
My understanding of Media Literacy

 昵称22694931 2015-04-06
  As far as I am concened,the Media Literacy is the  of the media in our life.In my opinion,the media include TV,the Internet,newspaper,radio broadcasting...To sum up,if the media convey the message to the people in the honest way is a very important standard to judge the quality of the Media Literacy.The media which have media literacy should convey the news according to the objective fact and they should not exaggerate the fact or fabricate something to get the attention from the audience.
  From the media literacy education,I learn more about media literacy.Different from what I know before,media literacy is that ability which people know and judge the message as well as making use of the message to solve the problem,create something new and so on.What's more,in light of the class,I will try to compare different media to get the message which worth trusting and learn to recognize all kinds of the message that we got from media.

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