
My Analysis of an Public Service Advertisement on Animal Protection

 昵称22764793 2015-04-08
I chose an advertisement saying no to shark fin soup made by Animal Concerns Reaserch&Education Society.Since more and more people who were rich or suddenly became rich were getting interested in tasting shark fin soup,more and more shark's fins were cut for the benifit of Businesses.The biggest benifitciary might not a man but the sharks,and at on the contrary the benifit of those businessness living by hunting sharks.As far as I'm concerned,reject to any kinds of products of shark fin when come up with them is a way I take in responsee to the ad.
Analysis from the message and meanings,the ad want us to think how cruel it is to eating so call tasty shark fin soup.Not only can those rich can learn from this,but also we ordinary people who want to have a try to taste how delicious the shark fin soup is can learn.
In fact,the ad's edibility is quiet high,so we can trust it.

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