

 我想去平遥 2015-04-14

No Benefit Seen in Sharp Limits on Salt in Diet

In a report that undercuts years of public health warnings, a prestigious group convened by the government says there is no good reason based on health outcomes for many Americans to drive their sodium consumption down to the very low levels recommended in national dietary guidelines.


Those levels, 1,500 milligrams of sodium a day, or a little more than half a teaspoon of salt, were supposed to prevent heart attacks and strokes in people at risk, including anyone older than 50, blacks and people with high blood pressure, diabetes or chronic kidney disease — groups that make up more than half of the American population.


Some influential organizations, including the American Heart Association, have said that everyone, not just those at risk, should aim for that very low sodium level. The heart association reaffirmed that position in an interview with its spokesman on Monday, even in light of the new report.

包括美国心脏协会(American Heart Association)在内的一些权威组织曾表示,不仅是高危人口,所有的人都应该以这个极低的钠摄入量为目标。尽管新报告已经出来,心脏协会发言人在周一接受采访时仍重申了这一立场。

But the new expert committee, commissioned by the Institute of Medicine at the behest of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said there was no rationale for anyone to aim for sodium levels below 2,300 milligrams a day. The group examined new evidence that had emerged since the last such report was issued, in 2005.

然而,这个国家医学院(Institute of Medicine)在疾病控制和预防中心(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)要求下委任的新专家委员会表示,没有理由要求任何人把每天的钠摄入量目标定在低于2300毫克以下的水平。上次发布类似的报告是在2005年,该委员会考察了那之后出现的新证据。 

“As you go below the 2,300 mark, there is an absence of data in terms of benefit and there begin to be suggestions in subgroup populations about potential harms,” said Dr. Brian L. Strom, chairman of the committee and a professor of public health at the University of Pennsylvania. He explained that the possible harms included increased rates of heart attacks and an increased risk of death.

委员会主席、宾夕法尼亚大学公共卫生教授布莱恩·L·斯特罗姆(Brian L. Strom)说,“当摄入量降低到2300这条线以下之后,有关益处的数据没有了,反而出现了对某些人口子群有潜在危害的提示。”他解释说,潜在危害包括心脏病发作的风险增加以及死亡的风险增加。

The committee was not asked to specify an optimal amount of sodium and did not make any recommendations about how much people should consume. Dr. Strom said people should not eat too much salt, but he also said that the data on the health effects of sodium were too inconsistent for the committee to say what the upper limit of sodium consumption should be.


Until about 2006, almost all studies on salt and health outcomes relied on the well-known fact that blood pressure can drop slightly when people eat less salt. From that, and from other studies linking blood pressure to risks of heart attacks and strokes, researchers created models showing how many lives could be saved if people ate less salt.


The United States dietary guidelines, based on the 2005 Institute of Medicine report, recommend that the general population aim for sodium levels of 1,500 to 2,300 milligrams a day because those levels will not raise blood pressure. The average sodium consumption in the United States, and around the world, is about 3,400 milligrams a day, according to the Institute of Medicine — an amount that has not changed in decades.


But more recently, researchers began looking at the actual consequences of various levels of salt consumption, as found in rates of heart attacks, strokes and death, not just blood pressure readings. Some of what they found was troubling.


One 2008 study the committee examined, for example, randomly assigned 232 Italian patients with aggressively treated moderate to severe congestive heart failure to consume either 2,760 or 1,840 milligrams of sodium a day, but otherwise to consume the same diet. Those consuming the lower level of sodium had more than three times the number of hospital readmissions — 30 as compared with 9 in the higher-salt group — and more than twice as many deaths — 15 as compared with 6 in the higher-salt group.


Another study, published in 2011, followed 28,800 subjects with high blood pressure ages 55 and older for 4.7 years and analyzed their sodium consumption by urinalysis. The researchers reported that the risks of heart attacks, strokes, congestive heart failure and death from heart disease increased significantly for those consuming more than 7,000 milligrams of sodium a day and for those consuming fewer than 3,000 milligrams of sodium a day.


There are physiological consequences of consuming little sodium, said Dr. Michael H. Alderman, a dietary sodium expert at Albert Einstein College of Medicine who was not a member of the committee. As sodium levels plunge, triglyceride levels increase, insulin resistance increases, and the activity of the sympathetic nervous system increases. Each of these factors can increase the risk of heart disease.

阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦医学院(Albert Einstein College of Medicine)膳食钠专家迈克尔·H·奥尔德曼(Michael H. Alderman)表示,钠摄入过低是有生理后果的。奥尔德曼不是专家委员会的成员。随着钠摄入量的骤减,人体甘油三脂含量增加,抗胰岛素性增加,交感神经系统的活动也会增加。这些因素中的每一个都会增加心脏病的风险。

“Those are all bad things,” Dr. Alderman said. “A health effect can’t be predicted by looking at one physiological consequence. There has to be a net effect.”


Medical and public health experts responded to the new assessment of the evidence with elation or concern, depending on where they stand in the salt debates.


“What they have done is earth-shattering,” Dr. Alderman said. “They have changed the paradigm of this issue. Until now it was all about blood pressure. Now they say it is more complicated.” The report, he predicted, “will have a big impact.”


But Bonnie Liebman, director of nutrition at the Center for Science in the Public Interest, an advocacy group that has taken a strong position against excessive salt consumption, worried that the public would get the wrong message.

但是,来自一个倡导组织的邦尼·利布曼(Bonnie Liebman)反对过量摄入食盐的立场强硬,利布曼是符合公共利益的科学中心(Center for Science in the Public Interest)营养部主任,她担心公众将从新报告中得到错误的信息。

“It would be a shame if this report convinced people that salt doesn’t matter,” Ms. Liebman said.


The American Heart Association agrees with her. Dr. Elliott Antman, a spokesman for the association and a professor of medicine at Brigham and Women’s Hospital n Boston, said the association remained concerned about the large amount of sodium in processed foods, which makes it almost impossible for most Americans to cut back. People should aim for 1,500 milligrams of sodium a day, he said.

美国心脏协会同意她的观点。协会发言人、波士顿布莱根妇女医院(Brigham and Women's Hospital)医学教授埃利奥特·安特曼(Elliott Antman)表示,协会仍对那些钠含量很高的加工食品感到担忧,这些食品使大多数美国人几乎无法减少钠的摄入量。他表示,人们每日的钠摄入量应为1500毫克。

“The American Heart Association is not changing its position,” Dr. Antman said. The association rejects the Institute of Medicine’s conclusions because the studies on which they were based had methodological flaws, he said. The heart association’s advice to consume 1,500 milligrams of sodium a day, he added, is based on epidemiological data and studies that assessed the effects of sodium consumption on blood pressure.


The Institute of Medicine committee said it was well aware of flaws in many of the studies of sodium, especially ones that the previous Institute of Medicine committee relied on for its 2005 recommendations. Much of that earlier research, committee members said, looked for correlations between what people ate and their health. But people with different diets can differ in many ways that are hard to account for — for example, the amount of exercise they get. And relying on people’s recall of how much salt they consumed can be unreliable.


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