

 莪:佷快楽 2015-04-21
陈漫 <wbr>很喜欢中国元素的摄影师


陈漫 <wbr>很喜欢中国元素的摄影师


Chen Man is a 31 year-old Chinese photographer, born and raised in Beijing. She graduated from the photography department of the Central Academy of Fine Arts in 2005. But before she even gradutated, she had already started collaborating with Shangai-based fashion magazine Vision, which was one of the few, if not the only, progressive magazines around at that time. This, and a contact of hers, were her open door into the world of heavy weights such as Harper's Baazar, Elle, Esquire... and the list of magazines, agencies and campaigns goes on.

陈漫 <wbr>很喜欢中国元素的摄影师

According her, there was a time in which photographers didn't consider her a photographer and artists didn't consider her an artist due to the heavy digital manipulation she applied to her work, so she cut back a lot on the editing and started working with more natural light and retouching a lot less. However, for Chen Man, the idea that untouched photographs are always better and that art and commerce just don't mix is very disputable.

Her passion for beauty and glamour is obvious in each of her shots and her emphasis on the beauty of the Asian woman have made her one of China's most important fashion photographers.

You can find her book, Chenman: 2003 - 2010, on Amazon. It's published as a limited edition of 2,000 individually numbered copies. And, of course, we urge you to have a look at Chen Man's full portfolio.

陈漫 <wbr>很喜欢中国元素的摄影师


陈漫 <wbr>很喜欢中国元素的摄影师


陈漫 <wbr>很喜欢中国元素的摄影师


陈漫 <wbr>很喜欢中国元素的摄影师

同时她在摄影的灯光运用上形成的“漫风格”也在中国掀起一阵潮流。这种极简的大片让人知道陈漫原来不只擅长后期。那时开始很多明星请陈漫来拍,这奠定了陈漫时尚圈主流摄影师的地位。2010年陈漫为《时尚芭莎》中国版拍摄的24周年纪念刊封面,夺得《HARPERSBAZAAR》全球主编大会“2010年全球最佳封面”, 同时也是《时尚芭莎》中国版首次夺魁。

陈漫 <wbr>很喜欢中国元素的摄影师

陈漫 <wbr>很喜欢中国元素的摄影师


陈漫 <wbr>很喜欢中国元素的摄影师

陈漫 <wbr>很喜欢中国元素的摄影师

陈漫 <wbr>很喜欢中国元素的摄影师

陈漫 <wbr>很喜欢中国元素的摄影师

Studio 6由国际视觉艺术大师陈漫创办,是日前中国最具影响力的专业摄影公司之一。旗下签约多位业内顶尖摄影师,致力于为中国及国际客户提供全面、专业的摄影相关服务。

Studio 6位于北京市中心国贸商圈,拥有超过2000m2的国际化专业影棚,为众多世界知名强企业及国内外时尚尖端杂志提供最全面专业化的服务。Studio 6 拥有3个专业影棚,单棚面积超过110平方米,层高达6.5米。影棚由著名设计师进行规划,以保证为您提供最专业的拍摄场地。并且这里拥有世界领先的摄影器材及灯光设备,其中包括专业的布朗、保富图灯光,以及其他摄影专业器材和配套软件。同时,还提供咖啡吧、VIP棚以及配套化妆间、VIP休息室等辅助设施

陈漫 <wbr>很喜欢中国元素的摄影师

陈漫 <wbr>很喜欢中国元素的摄影师

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