

 Janones 2015-04-23

1. hide: to deliberately not show  what you are feeling or thinking


He hides his real feelings under that big  smile.(他笑了,把自己的真实感情都隐藏起来。)

'That's OK,' she said, trying to  hide her disappointment.(她说,没关系,话里尽量不流露出失望的意味。)

She is good at hiding her emotions.(她很擅长隐藏自己的情绪。)

hide something from somebody

I tried to hide my anxiety from the rest of  the family by pretending that everything was normal.(我假装一切正常,尽量不让家里人看出我着急。)


2. not show: to not show in your  face, voice, or movements what you really think or feel


If she was surprised, she didn't show it.(她就算很吃惊,也不会表现出来。)

My husband never shows emotion, so I neverknow if he's upset.(我老公有情绪从不写在脸上,所以我永远不知道他什么时候开心、什么时候生气。)


3. conceal: to hide your feelings or  intentions especially when you have to make an effort to do this



Kim could barely conceal her annoyance thatI had arrived so late.(我这么迟才到,金几乎要发怒了。)

I yawned, not bothering to conceal myboredom.(我打了个哈欠,明摆着觉得很无聊。)


4. disguise/mask: to avoid showing  your true feelings or intentions by pretending to feel something else


'That's great!' she cried, unableto disguise her excitement.(她难掩激动地喊道“真是太棒了!”)

Try as he might, Dan couldn’t disguise hisfeelings for Katie.(他尽全力还是无法掩饰自己对凯蒂的感情。)

He often masked his feelings of guilt bybecoming angry at the people he had wronged.(他委屈了别人,为了掩饰自己的负罪感,他还会对那人发脾气。)


5. bottle up: to not allow yourself  to show your feelings, especially if you are angry, worried, or upset - usethis especially when you think it would be better for someone to show their  feelings so they can be dealt with


bottle something up

It's not healthy to bottle all your  feelings up like that.(把所有情绪都藏在心里不发泄出来,对自己很不好。)

The anger that he had bottled up inside himfinally exploded.(他一直隐忍,最后终于爆发了。)

keep something bottled up

She wanted to cry but she kept it bottled  up inside.(她很想哭,但是她忍住了没哭。)


6. suppress: to not allow yourself  to feel or show strong feelings such as anger, sadness, or love, especially  when you have difficulty controlling these feelings



She had had to suppress her feelings forGeorge throughout his long marriage to her friend.(乔治娶了自己的闺蜜,她得一直把对乔治的爱慕之情藏在心底。)

Finally Glen could suppress his anger nolonger and he lashed out at his mother.(最后,格连再也抑制不住心中的怒气,动手打了自己的亲妈。)

Harry could scarcely suppress a smile.(哈利难掩笑容。)


7. repress: to deliberately stopyourself from having or expressing particular feelings, especially because youare ashamed of them, in a way that may have harmful mental effects



Individuals who repress their sexualdesires often suffer from psychological problems.(过分控制性欲的人会有心理问题。)

Denying or repressing sorrow often seemsthe easiest way out when confronted with death.(当亲友去世时,不在人前流泪、抑制悲伤的感情,似乎是最佳的解脱办法。)

Brenda repressed the urge to shout at him.(布兰达忍住了,没冲他吼。)

I repressed a smile.(我忍住了没笑。)


8. put on a brave face/put up a brave front: to pretend that you are happy or confident when in fact you arevery upset about something but you do not want to show this


When she lost her job she put on a braveface and said it didn't matter.(她失业了,还装得跟没事人似的。)

Most of his teammates put up a brave frontwhen they talked about his departure.(大部分队友说起他离队这件事时,都是强颜欢笑。)


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