

 自定义1994 2015-04-26


耐药细菌 resistant bacteria

遵守规则 the acceptance of rules

安全参加体育课程 safe opportunities to engage in physical education programmes

亚非法律协商组织第54届年会 the 54th Annual Session of the Asian-African Legal Consultative Organization (AALCO)

会议确定原则的倡导者 a proponent of its principles

万隆会议60周年 the 60th anniversary of the Bandung Conference

把万隆精神发扬光大 to carry forward the Bandung Spirit

波澜壮阔的反帝反殖运动 By waging the heroic anti-imperialist and anti-colonial struggle

尊重各国的独立、主权和领土完整 respect for the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries

合作共赢更是大势所趋 Win-win cooperation has become the prevailing trend

促进世界经济更加开放有序 work for a more open and institutionalized world economy

南南合作和南北合作 South-South and North-South cooperation

亚非国家山水相连、比邻而居 Asian and African countries are neighbors connected by mountains and seas

寻求最大公约数 seeking common ground wherever possible

共同但有区别的责任原则 common but differentiated responsibilities

凝聚共识 build consensus

国家一旦没了正义,就沦落为一个巨大的匪帮 a country would fall into a huge gang if it has no justice

去敦促、协助和监督成员国履行国际义务 to urge, assist and monitor member states to fulfill their obligations

是各国的普遍愿望,也符合历史发展潮流 the aspiration of all peoples and the trend of history

要旗帜鲜明地反对非法使用武力 Countries must explicitly say “no” to the illegal use of force

新干涉主义 neo-interventionism

执其方,天下无善教;通其变,天下无弊法 A society makes no progress if it sticks to outdated convention, and laws are feasible only when adapt to changing circumstances

和谐世界 harmonious world

万隆会议十项原则 Ten Principles of Bandung

日内瓦四公约 the four Geneva Conventions

中国已经全面融入当代国际秩序 It has fully integrated itself into the contemporary international order

粉碎了法西斯和军国主义的邪恶势力 to crush the evil forces of fascism and militarism

其所确立的宗旨和原则,一如高山仰止,为各国所遵行 its purposes and principles continue to command the high esteem and compliance of all countries.


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