
每日健身计划:25个最佳自重训练 The 25 Best Bodyweight Exercises

 Cheers! 2015-04-27

The 25 Best Bodyweight Exercises

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View in slideshow The 25 Best Bodyweight Exercises

Whether you've let go of your gym membership or you're spending more time shaping up from home, these effective no-equipment moves need to be part of your strength-training routine. You might be all about cardio for that big calorie burn, but a recent study found that strength training burns roughly twice as many calories per minute as previously thought — score! If there's a specific part of your body you want to try working with a new move, then click below to jump to the right place.

[Upper Body] [Core] [Lower Body] [Plyometrics]
Source: POPSUGAR Photography / Blake Giffen
1 Upper Body: Push-Up
  • Start in a plank position, with palms spread out evenly and your shoulders over your wrists and legs out behind you. Pull your belly button in, and keep your back straight.
  • As you lower and exhale, bend your elbows outward to the sides. Hold at the bottom before you raise back up to complete one rep.
Source: POPSUGAR Studios
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2 Upper Body: Diamond Push-Ups
  • Start in plank position with your hands under your shoulders and your body in one straight line.
  • If your knees aren't on the floor, separate your feet so they're about shoulder-width apart to help you stay balanced throughout the exercise.
  • Place your hands together, directly under your sternum, with the tips of your index fingers and thumbs touching. Your fingers and thumbs should form a diamond or triangle shape.
  • Bend your elbows out to the sides, and lower your chest toward the floor. Then exhale to straighten your arms. This counts as one rep.
Source: POPSUGAR Studios
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3 Upper Body: Superman
  • Lie on your belly, engage your abs, and extend your arms straight out in front of you.
  • Lift your legs, arms, and chest off the floor. Hold for a count of 10, and then slowly release your body back to the floor. This completes one rep.
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4 Upper Body and Core: Squat and Reach
  • Begin with your feet slightly wider than hip-width apart and toes pointed slightly outward.
  • Keeping your weight in your heels, sit back into your deep squat. Make sure your knees do not go beyond your toes.
  • Holding your squat, raise both of your arms overhead. Hold this position for a moment, and then return to standing while lowering your arms to your sides. This completes one rep.
Source: POPSUGAR Studios
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5 Upper Body and Core: Lateral Plank Walk

This move will challenge your core and define your deltoids, shaping your shoulders.

  • Begin in plank position with your hands underneath your shoulders and your body in one straight line.
  • Simultaneously cross your right hand toward the left as you step your left foot out to the left. Then simultaneously step your left hand and right foot to the left, returning to the plank position. Your hands move together as your feet step apart. Take two more steps in this direction, keeping your abs pulled toward your spine and your pelvis level. This completes one rep.
  • Reverse directions, taking three steps to the right.
Source: POPSUGAR Studios
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6 Upper Body and Core: Push-Up and Rotate
  • Begin in a plank position with your feet in line with your hips.
  • Lower your body toward the floor, and then push through your arms, returning to plank.
  • Twist to the left, reaching your left arm to the ceiling without letting your pelvis rise or lower.
  • Return to plank position, bringing your hand back to the floor. This completes one rep.
Source: POPSUGAR Studios
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7 Upper and Lower Body: Reverse Plank Bridge
  • Begin seated with your hands behind you with your fingers pointed away from you.
  • Press the heels of your feet and hands into the ground as you raise your pelvis off the floor until it is in line with your shoulders and knees.
  • Lower your pelvis back to the ground to complete one rep.
Source: POPSUGAR Studios
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8 Core: Bicycle Crunches
  • Lie flat on the floor with your lower back pressed to the ground (pull your abs down to also target your deep abs). Interlace your fingers, and put your hands behind your head.
  • Bring your knees in toward your chest, and lift your shoulder blades off the ground.
  • Straighten your right leg out to about a 45-degree angle to the ground while turning your upper body to the left, bringing your right elbow toward the left knee. Make sure your rib cage is moving and not just your elbows.
  • Now switch sides and do the same motion on the other side to complete one rep (and to create the "pedaling" motion).
Source: POPSUGAR Studios
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9 Core: Seated Trunk Twist
  • Begin sitting on the floor with your legs stretched out in front of you; lengthen your spine to keep your back straight.
  • Pulling your navel in tight, twist from right to left, lightly touching both hands from side to side to complete one rep.
Source: POPSUGAR Photography / Blake Giffen
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10 Core: Reverse Crunch
  • Lie on your back on the floor. Place your hands on the floor beside you.
  • Bring the knees in toward the chest with your feet together.
  • Use your abs to slowly curl the hips off the floor and into your chest, and then slowly lower them back to the starting position to complete one.
  • Repeat for one minute. Don't swing your legs to create momentum; use your abs to control your movement.
Source: POPSUGAR Studios
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11 Core: V-Sits
  • Lie on your back, and reach your arms rigidly to your side, off the floor. Lift your legs off the floor, and point them, so they are at about a 45-degree angle. Lift your head, so your shoulders are off the floor as well.
  • When you're ready to begin, lift your upper torso off the floor, and bend your knees. You can lean back to make this move harder or come up more to make it easier. Slowly lower your upper body back down to the floor, straightening out your legs as you do so. Stop when your back is on the floor, but not your head, shoulders, or legs.
  • This completes one rep.
Source: POPSUGAR Studios
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12 Core: Mountain Climbers
  • Start in a traditional push-up starting position — shoulders over hands and weight on just your toes.
  • Bring your right foot forward, bending the knee and putting weight on the ball of your foot.
  • Switch legs, bringing the left knee forward while moving the right leg back. This completes one rep.
Source: POPSUGAR Studios
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13 Core: Side Plank
  • Sit on your left side with your legs slightly bent and your feet stacked.
  • Place your left hand about 12 inches from your pelvis.
  • Push your hand into the ground, and straighten your legs as you lift your pelvis off the ground. If you have trouble balancing, stagger your feet, so the top leg is in front.
  • Hold for 30 seconds, and switch sides to complete one rep.
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14 Core: Full Sit-Ups
  • Lay on your back with bent knees and feet flat on the ground, and place your hands on opposite shoulders.
  • Keeping your heels on the ground and your toes flat to the ground, engage your abdominal muscles, and gently lift your head first, followed by your shoulder blades, coming into a full-sit up position.
  • Hold the position for a second, and with control, come slowly back do to lying on your back.
  • This completes one full sit-up.
Source: POPSUGAR Studios
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15 Lower Body: Good Morning
  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart, and place your hands at the back of your head with your elbows opened wide.
  • Pull your abs to your spine, and keep your back neutral while pressing your butt backward, hinging at that hips, until your back is almost parallel to the floor. Keep a slight bend in your knees as you bend forward.
  • Return to standing, squeezing your glutes when you are upright. This completes one rep.
Source: POPSUGAR Studios
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16 Lower Body: Basic Squat
  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Hold your hands comfortably in front of your chest to help you stay balanced, and bend your knees, lowering your hips deeply, so your thighs are parallel with the floor. Make sure to keep your weight back in your heels.
  • Then rise back up, straightening the legs completely and squeezing the glutes at the top of the movement to get the most out of the exercise.
  • This counts as one rep.
Source: POPSUGAR Studios
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17 Lower Body: Wall Sit
  • Stand with your back against a wall, placing your feet about two feet in front of you. Feet should be hip-distance apart.
  • Bending your knees, slide your back down the wall until your knees are at 90-degree angles. Your knee joints should be over your ankle joints, so you may need to inch your feet farther from the wall to create proper alignment. Don't let your knees fall into the midline of your body or sway outward.
Source: Megan Wolfe Photography
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18 Lower Body: Side Kicks
  • Begin with your hands and knees on the floor, with your hands underneath your shoulders and your knees under your hips. Keeping the right knee bent 90 degrees, lift the left leg until it is parallel to the floor.
  • Keep the left thigh still as you straighten your left knee, kicking your leg out to the side. Don't let the leg lower as you kick.
  • Bend the left knee back to 90 degrees, and then lower the leg to the floor. Do this exercise with your right leg to complete one rep.
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19 Lower Body: Scarecrow With Back Lunge
  • Step your left leg back into a deep lunge, making 90-degree angles with both knees.
  • Raise your arms out to the side until your upper arms are parallel to the ground. Bend your elbows to 90 degrees, making loose fists with your hands.
  • Hold the lunge while as you rotate your upper arms forward to bring your fists to the floor; then rotate the upper arm backward to bring the fists up. Do not lower or raise your upper arms; keep them parallel to the floor. This complete one rep.
Source: POPSUGAR Studios
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20 Lower Body: Lunge
  • Keep your upper body straight, with your shoulders back and relaxed and your chin up (pick a point to stare at in front of you, so you don't keep looking down). Always engage your core.
  • Step forward with one leg, lowering your hips until both knees are bent at about a 90-degree angle. Make sure your front knee is directly above your ankle, not pushed out too far, and make sure your other knee doesn't touch the floor. Keep the weight in your heels as you push back up to the starting position. This counts as one lunge.
Source: Megan Wolfe Photography
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21 Lower Body: Single-Leg Balance Touch
  • Begin standing with arms overhead with all your weight on your left foot.
  • Keeping your spine long, reach forward, bending your left knee, and touch both hands to the ground. Keep your abs engaged to keep your torso stable.
  • Lower your right leg down while lifting your torso, bringing your arms overhead to complete one rep.
Source: POPSUGAR Studios
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22 Plyometrics: Burpee
  • Lower into a crouching squat with your hands on the floor.
  • Do a squat thrust by jumping your feet back into a plank position.
  • Do one basic push-up, bending the elbows and then straightening back to plank.
  • Jump the feet forward to the hands, and come into a squat.
  • Do an explosive jump straight up, getting as much height as you can.
Source: POPSUGAR Studios
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23 Plyometrics: Jump Squat
  • Start by coming into a squat with your arms by your sides.
  • Swing your arms to the ceiling as you jump off with both feet. Land quietly as you return to the squat position. This completes one rep.
Source: POPSUGAR Studios
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24 Plyometrics: Jumping Lunges
  • To begin, start standing tall with your feet staggered and your left foot slightly in front of your right. Making sure you're not too stiff, keep your stance active with your knees bent in a slight but not full lunge.
  • With your core engaged, push off the bottom of both feet into a jump, switching the position of your feet midair and landing in a basic lunge with your right leg in front.
  • Without rest, repeat this movement, alternating which leg is in front. This completes one rep.
Source: POPSUGAR Studios
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25 Plyometrics: High-Knee Skips
  • Skip in place by hopping on your right leg while bringing the left knee up toward your chest.
  • Engage your abs as the knee comes toward your chest.
  • Switch legs, and keep skipping while pumping your arms.
  • This completes one rep.
Source: POPSUGAR Studios

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