
My Analysis of the Head and Shoulders shampoo

 昵称22768683 2015-05-04
I 'd like to present my analysis to you of the  Head and Shoulders shampoo poster.

First , It is the information value, the poster  includes two elements,  the pictures and words.When the 
pictures have a woman star,whose hair is  very smooth,particularly, no dandruff, and there are also
three pieces of dandruff test paper that have nothing on it.What are the meaning of the three test
paper?oh, They are representing the year, the  month,  the week of the hair test results is always
clean.So, the star has a confident smile in her face.The placement of this element is in the center
which also represent its importance.And in the right of the picture is a sentence "Keeping  moving away from dandruff troubles, effect in sight." Then, down the words, is another picture which is
combined with four bottles of Head and Shoulders shampooes.
   In terms of salience, I think the the picture element has the maximum salience.Because the 
picture have show the features of anti dandruff obivously.And connected with the explnation
words,the function of  information products is very obvious to the audience.
   How about the framing? From the poster ,we can get the elements in the image presented
as connected.

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