

 haosunzhe 2015-05-06

【Natalia Kapsalis 的回答】


  • 打扫干净卫生间(倒垃圾,更换坐便垫纸/面巾纸/卫生纸)

  • 用吸尘器清扫、用抹布快速打扫走廊

  • 清空椅背口袋里的垃圾






【Natalia Kapsalis】

Not well at all. The passengers get off and immediately the cabin crew do a sweep for lost and found or any suspicious items. Once that is cleared, catering comes on at the same time as the cleaners. The cleaners will:

  • wipe down the bathrooms, (empty the rubbish, change toilet paper/tissues/paper towels)

  • vacuum and quick mop the aisles

  • look in seat pockets for garbage

Sometimes they may change the paper headrest covers, but not always. Then, in some airlines, they will criss cross the seat belts to make the cabin look tidy.

In my ten years of being a flight attendant, I think I saw them cleaning the tray tables maybe five times, tops. And with the same dirty rag on every.single.one. Unless you are departing from the airline's hub, the blankets will probably just be folded and stowed to be reused. Same for pillows (ew).

There is usually only about 30 minutes or so turn around time on the planes, from the time that the passengers get off until they get on again so it's really not enough time to do much.

Usually, an airplane will get deep-cleaned about once a month. Imagine how many people have boarded that one plane in a month? Makes me shudder. I've worked for both a charter and for an award-winning airline. My experience has been the same on both.

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