
听上去很扯其实很靠谱的人生经验【Quora精选】(完成) (Quora 精选)

 未亮 2015-05-15
                                                              回复 Sonia_n:


Q: What life lessons are counter-intuitive or go against common sense or wisdom?


For example, being loud and obnoxious is surprisingly useful / effective most of the time.


Answered by Anonymous


So many. Life is a giant lump of contradictions.


1.People who don't trust other people can't be trusted. I'm not sure why this is true, but it's never failed as a barometer for me. Maybe it's because people who are terrified of getting hurt are more likely to hurt other people first?

不相信別人的人也得不到信任。這樣算相矛盾的咩…… 我也不是很確定這個爲什麼成立,但是對於我來說,它的可信度從沒像氣壓計一樣升升降降。可能是因爲那些怕被傷害的人更有可能先去傷害別人吧。

2.If you strongly dislike a trait in someone else or are critical of something, you're probably that way yourself. Freud referred to this as "projection." People who are nervous about their own looks call other people ugly. People who are about how much money they make criticize other people's jobs.

如果你超級不喜歡某人的一些特定,或者不贊同一些東西,你自己可能就是那樣的。真的嗎?!!!那我是要討厭死自己了阿!告訴我着不是真的 弗洛伊德說這是“投射“。擔心自己樣貌的人(反而)會說別人長的不好看。對於自己收入感到不好意思的人會去批評別人的工作。

3.The easiest way to get in a relationship is to be fine alone. Neediness repels people.


4.The more you try to impress someone, the less they will like you. Don't be a tryhard. People love authenticity. Which leads me to...


5.The more you admit your faults and shortcomings, the more people will like you. Being able to admit when you're wrong is a wonderfully attractive quality and gets you a lot of legitimacy. It's endearing.


6.The more you learn, the less you know. I think this is true across the board that the more you learn about something, the more your horizons broaden and you see the limits of your own understanding.

你學的越多,你知道的越少。真理……我就是個無知的人…… 我覺得這定理在大的層面上來說是真的,因爲你研究一件事物越多,你的眼界越開闊,你就會看到你懂得東西是那麼的少。

7.The more available something is, the less we want it (and the less available something is, the more we want it). We unconsciously assume that the more scarce something is, the more valuable it is. This is not the case. Such thinking will lead you to chase things you shouldn't and take what you do have for granted if you aren't careful.


8.The more choices you have, the less satisfied you are with any particular one. This is called the paradox of choice. You can read about Decision theory more.


9.And my personal favorite - the only constant is change.

還有我自己最喜歡的(一條)- 唯一一個不變的就是改變。

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