
女朋友怪我没有为她挺身而出,我该怎么办?【Quora精选】(完成) (Quora 精选)

 未亮 2015-05-15
                                                              回复 Sonia_n:

Q: My girlfriend is mad at me for "not standing up" for her. What should I do? (Please read the description before you answer.)


So my significant other and I are out and about. We have been dating for about 8 months and things have been going well. I am 23 years old and she is my age. We were at this party and she accidentally spilled her drink on a girl in the club. The other girl started to flip out and her boyfriend came to see what the fuss was all about. My girlfriend apologized but that was not enough; the other girl threw her drink on my girlfriend's face and her boyfriend shoved me. Being a quiet and rational guy, I decided to walk away from the situation, so I grabbed my girlfriend and we left.


Afterwards my girlfriend was quite upset at me for not standing up for her. I really did not want to fight. What should I do?


Answered by George Graham


Some time ago a friend of mine was drinking in a bar with his wife when she accidentally did the same as OPs girlfriend and spilled some drink on another girl.


The girl she spilled the drink on went crazy and just like in OPs story the boyfriend appeared to see what was happening. My friend says his biggest mistake was not to just turn and leave immediately,instead he stepped between the boyfriend and his wife to try to de-escalate things. While he was talking to the boyfriend (who it turns out was pretty chill) the crazy girlfriend smashed a glass in his wifes face.


The boyfriend dragged the crazy girlfriend away and my friend called for an ambulance and got his wife outside and began administering first aid.


As they waited for the ambulance to come, crazy girl appeared again having got away from her boyfriend, but this time she had a knife and went for my friends wife again. This time he had no choice but to stop her. Which he did very violently and very decisively.


You see the thing is that he was a very big guy and an ex para who knew how to do things like that. But as he tells it, he felt responsible for the fact that because he hadn't immediately left with his wife when crazy girl started, there were now two women going to hospital and one of them going to jail. He blamed his own self confidence as he thought trouble would come from the boyfriend and he knew he could handle it. Because of that, he says, his wife was scarred for life.


He says if he could do one thing differently that night it would have been to do what OP did and grab his wife and leave.


OP if your girlfriend has fantasies of you being some kind of superhero fighting bad guys over a perceived slight to her dignity then she clearly isn't living in the real world.


In the real world bar fights end up with victims like this:


You did the right thing.




  • significant other 就是指“另一半”、“配偶”、“恋人”,不适合译成“女神”,那是goddess
  • be out and about 一般就是指“出去玩”,多半在室外,但肯定不是窝在家
  • date 一词我比较倾向于译成“交往”或“拍拖”,而不是“谈恋爱”。这个词在英语国家很通用,像blind-date,不一定是一定有“爱”在里面,感情是通过不断交往培养的
  • spill 一词,用“洒”多含了“故意”的意思,像“洒水”、“洒水节”,我个人觉得用“溅”更好,是无意的,本来这词也是指“溅出”
  • smash 一词上下文明确是砸了,还砸碎了,可说“砸碎在他妻子脸上”,就不舒服。光一个“砸”字,又指明了是玻璃杯,后面还要急救了,可见一定是碎了,不必再多个“碎”字了

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