
My analysis of an advertising picture

 昵称22767013 2015-05-17
    This is an advertisement of the shampoo named One Hundred Years Brilliantine .
     It is a close  shot of a beautiful woman , who is a popular star from HongKong . As we can see , the woman seems to be looking into viewers' eyes , which draw the distance between viewers and the advertising endorser . At the same time , her facial expression  tells us that she is proud of her soft black shiny hair . This can make viewers believe that they can have such hair if they use the shampoo . 
    The elements of the image have maximum salience .The back color is mustard color,which is warm-toned. The words  "Plant Amino Acids" and "One Hundred Years Brilliantine" really standingout .  we can also stiking to see "plant nutrition,health conditioning" , which stresses its pure natural again .
     All the commercial advertising have the characteristic of attracting consumers' attention to buy their produce , this is not exception . So some elements maybe nor true such as the advertising endorser' beautiful hair and so on .

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