

 haosunzhe 2015-05-24


Liz Day

There is no such thing as “murder culture.”

Rape culture does not refer simply to the fact that rape occurs, but to the culture around which rape is considered to not be a problem or the fault of the victim. No one goes around saying that a murder victim deserved it because of how they were dressed or how much they had to drink. There are not politicians who argue over whether or not a murder is “legitimate.”

The problem often with rape jokes is not that rape is too taboo to ever talk about in a comedy setting. It’s that these jokes often reinforce a culture where rape is trivialized and excused and rape victims are made to feel at fault of their own assault. (http://www./how-to-make-a-rape-joke-141329/)

Also, while murder is arguably more serious, rape is far more prevalent. 1 in 6 women will be victims of attempted or completed rape at some point in their lives.

There is also the issue that while rape is something that effects mostly women (a marginalized group, despite being 51% of the population), most people that make so-called ‘rape jokes’ are men. Men also account for 98% of rapists.

Men making rape jokes is no different than white people making light of lynching or straight, cis people joking about queer-bashing. In each case, the people making the jokes will never have to deal with or seriously consider the subject of their jokes, and in each case, the vast majority of perpetrators of the crime belong to the same social class as those making light of it.

When a socially advantaged group flippantly mocks the real life struggles of a disadvantaged one, it is far more in bad taste than a little gallows humor on a subject that effects everyone.


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