
用 AutoHotkey 做一个文件查找工具之四:根据输入实时更新过滤文件列表 - yonken - 博客园

 条山石头 2015-05-29
  ; AutoHotkey Version:
  ; Language:       English
  ; Platform:       Win9x/NT
  ; Author:         Yonken
  ; Script Function:
  ;   To enumerate the files of specified folder(s), filter out specified type(s), list and
  ; update the result in real time as the search pattern changed.
  ;   Use at your own risk.
  #NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
  SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
  SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
  SetBatchLines, -1   ; Never sleep
  WM_NOTIFY               := 0x004E
  LVN_FIRST               := -100
  LVN_GETDISPINFOA        := (LVN_FIRST-50)   ; For ANSI version
  LVN_GETDISPINFOW        := (LVN_FIRST-77)   ; For unicode version
  LVM_FIRST               := 0x1000
  LVM_REDRAWITEMS         := (LVM_FIRST + 21)
  LVS_OWNERDATA           := 0x1000
  sizeofNMHDR             := 12
  sizeofLVITEM            := 40
  LVIF_TEXT               := 0x0001
  LVIF_IMAGE              := 0x0002
  LVIF_STATE              := 0x0008
  CP_ACP                  := 0           ; default to ANSI code page
  pRtlFillMemory          := GetProcAddressInModule('RtlFillMemory')
  pWideCharToMultiByte    := GetProcAddressInModule('WideCharToMultiByte')
  pMultiByteToWideChar    := GetProcAddressInModule('MultiByteToWideChar')
  pStrCpy                 := GetProcAddressInModule('strcpy', 'msvcrt')
  g_strAppName            := 'Smart Open File'
  g_strVersion            := '2010.5.10'
  g_strTitle              := g_strAppName A_Space g_strVersion
  g_hMainWnd              := 0
  g_nFilesCount           := 0
  g_nMatchCount           := 0
  g_MatchIndices          = -1
  ; Allow the user to maximize or drag-resize the window:
  Gui +Resize
  ; Create some buttons:
  Gui, Add, Button, Default vBtnLoadFolder gButtonLoadFolder, &Load a folder
  ; Create the ListView with two columns, Name and Size:
  Gui, Add, ListView, Grid xm r20 w700 vMyListView Hwndg_hMyListView +%LVS_OWNERDATA%, Name|In Folder|Modified|Size (KB)|Type
  ; Create an ImageList so that the ListView can display some icons:
  ImageListID1 := IL_Create(10)
  ImageListID2 := IL_Create(10, 10, true)  ; A list of large icons to go with the small ones.
  ; Attach the ImageLists to the ListView so that it can later display the icons:
  ListView_SetItemCount(g_hMyListView, g_nMatchCount)
  Gui, Add, Edit, vEditSearchString gOnChangeSearchString,
  Gui, Show, , %g_strTitle% [0 of 0]
  OnMessage(WM_NOTIFY, 'OnNotify')
  Gui, +LastFound
  WinSet, ReDraw      ; Invalidate the list-view
  g_hMainWnd := WinExist()
      GuiClose:  ; Indicate that the script should exit automatically when the window is closed.
  GuiSize:  ; Expand or shrink the ListView in response to the user's resizing of the window.
      if A_EventInfo = 1  ; The window has been minimized.  No action needed.
      ; Otherwise, the window has been resized or maximized. Resize the ListView to match.
      GuiControl, Move, MyListView, % 'W' . (A_GuiWidth - 20) . ' H' . (A_GuiHeight - 70)
      GuiControl, Move, EditSearchString, % 'W' . (A_GuiWidth - 20) . ' Y' . (A_GuiHeight - 30)
      Gui +OwnDialogs  ; Forces user to dismiss the following dialog before using main window.
      FileSelectFolder, Folder,, 3, Select a folder to read:
      if not Folder  ; The user canceled the dialog.
      g_nMatchCount := 0
      WinSetTitle, , , %g_strTitle% [%g_nMatchCount% of %g_nFilesCount%]
      GuiControl, Disable, BtnLoadFolder
      SetTimer, FileLoadProgressTimer, 100
      g_arrResult := ; Free the memory
      g_nFilesCount := LoadFolder(Folder, 'g_arrResult')
      Gosub, OnChangeSearchString
      Gui +LastFound
      GuiControl, Enable, BtnLoadFolder
      SetTimer, FileLoadProgressTimer, Off
      GuiControl, -Redraw, MyListView  ; Improve performance by disabling redrawing during load.
      nMatchCount := g_nFilesCount
      bNeedSetFocus := false
      If (g_nFilesCount > 0)
-     {
          GuiControlGet, strSearchPattern, , EditSearchString
          strSearchPattern := RegExReplace(strSearchPattern, 'S)[\s]+', '|')  ; Replace multiple whitespaces with a single character
          if(strSearchPattern = '' || strSearchPattern = '|')
-         {
              ; Nothing is entered, select the first one
              g_MatchIndices = -1
              bNeedSetFocus := true
-         {
              If ( SubStr(strSearchPattern, StrLen(strSearchPattern)) == '|')
                  strSearchPattern := SubStr(strSearchPattern, 1, StrLen(strSearchPattern)-1)
              StringSplit, arrSearchPatterns, strSearchPattern, |
              g_MatchIndices =
              VarSetCapacity(g_MatchIndices, g_nFilesCount * 4)
              nMatchCount := 0
              Loop, %g_nFilesCount%
-             {
                  strName := g_arrResult%A_Index%_NameAnsi
                  strFolder := g_arrResult%A_Index%_FolderAnsi
                  bMatch := true
                  Loop %arrSearchPatterns0%
-                 {
                      if ( !IsMatch(strName, strFolder, arrSearchPatterns%A_Index%) )
-                     {
                          bMatch := false
                  if (bMatch)
-                 {
                      NumPut(A_Index, g_MatchIndices, nMatchCount * 4)
-     {
          g_MatchIndices = -1
      g_nMatchCount := nMatchCount
      ListView_SetItemCount(g_hMyListView, g_nMatchCount)
      ListView_RedrawItems(g_hMyListView, 0, -1)
      ;ToolTip, Done searching %strSearchPattern%
      LV_ModifyCol()  ; Auto-size each column to fit its contents.
      GuiControl, +Redraw, MyListView  ; Re-enable redrawing (it was disabled above).
      If (bNeedSetFocus)
-     {
          GuiControl, Focus, SysListView321,
          Send, {Home}
          GuiControl, Focus, EditSearchString,
      WinSetTitle, , , %g_strTitle% [%g_nMatchCount% of %g_nFilesCount%]
  IsMatch(ByRef strFileName, ByRef strFolder, strSubPattern)
- {
      chChar1         := SubStr(strSubPattern, 1, 1)
      chChar2         := SubStr(strSubPattern, 2, 1)
      bIsExclude      := chChar1 == '-' || chChar2 == '-'
      bIsInFolder     := chChar1 == '\' || chChar2 == '\'
      strSubPattern := RegExReplace(strSubPattern, 'S)^[-\\]+')
      If (strSubPattern = '')
          return true
-     /*
      StringReplace, strSubPattern, strSubPattern, -
      StringReplace, strSubPattern, strSubPattern, \
      strSearchText   := bIsInFolder ? strFolder : strFileName
      bMatch          := InStr(strSearchText, strSubPattern)
      if (bIsExclude)
          bMatch := !bMatch
      return bMatch
      Gui +LastFound
      WinSetTitle, , , %g_strTitle% [%g_nMatchCount% of %g_nFilesCount%]
- /*
  typedef struct tagNMHDR
      HWND  hwndFrom;
      UINT  idFrom;
      UINT  code;         // NM_ code
  }   NMHDR;
   NMHDR *pnm
  OnNotify(idCtrl, pnmh)
- {
      global g_hMyListView, LVN_GETDISPINFO
      hwndFrom := DecodeInteger( 'uint4', pnmh, 0 )
      if ( hwndFrom == g_hMyListView )
-     {
          idFrom := DecodeInteger( 'uint4', pnmh, 4)
          code := DecodeInteger( 'uint4', pnmh, 8)
          nCode := code > 0x7FFFFFFF ? -(~code) - 1 : code
          if ( nCode == LVN_GETDISPINFO )
-         {
- /*
  typedef struct tagNMLVDISPINFO {
      NMHDR hdr;
      LVITEM item;
  typedef struct _LVITEM {
      UINT mask;     0
      int iItem;     4
      int iSubItem;  8
      UINT state;    12
      UINT stateMask; 16
      LPTSTR pszText; 20
      int cchTextMax; 24
      int iImage;     28
      LPARAM lParam;
  #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300)
      int iIndent;
  #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x560)
      int iGroupId;
      UINT cColumns; // tile view columns
      PUINT puColumns;
  #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0600)
      int* piColFmt;
      int iGroup;
- {
      iItemOffset     := sizeofNMHDR + 4
      iItem           := DecodeInteger( 'uint4', pnmv, iItemOffset)
      if (iItem < 0 || iItem > g_nMatchCount)
          return  ; requesting invalid item
      maskOffset      := sizeofNMHDR + 0
      mask            := DecodeInteger( 'uint4', pnmv, maskOffset)
      if (mask & LVIF_TEXT)
-     {
          iSubItemOffset  := sizeofNMHDR + 8
          iSubItem        := DecodeInteger( 'uint4', pnmv, iSubItemOffset)
          pszTextOffset   := sizeofNMHDR + 20
          pszText         := DecodeInteger( 'uint4', pnmv, pszTextOffset)
          If (g_MatchIndices = -1)
              nIndex := iItem + 1
              nIndex := NumGet(g_MatchIndices, iItem * 4)
          ;ToolTip, Row %iItem% Index in list %nIndex%
          pstrText := 0
          if (0 == iSubItem)
              pstrText := &g_arrResult%nIndex%_Name
          Else if (1 == iSubItem)
              pstrText := &g_arrResult%nIndex%_Folder
          Else if (2 == iSubItem)
              pstrText := &g_arrResult%nIndex%_Modified
          Else if (3 == iSubItem)
              pstrText := &g_arrResult%nIndex%_SizeKB
          Else if (4 == iSubItem)
              pstrText := &g_arrResult%nIndex%_Ext
          EncodeInteger( pstrText, 4, pnmv, pszTextOffset )
      if (mask & LVIF_STATE)
-     {
          stateOffset := sizeofNMHDR + 12
          EncodeInteger( 0, 4, pnmv, stateOffset )
      if (mask & LVIF_IMAGE)
-     {
          iImageOffset := sizeofNMHDR + 28
          EncodeInteger( -1, 4, pnmv, iImageOffset )
  LoadFolder(ByRef strFolder, arrResultName, ByRef strExtInclude = '', ByRef strExtExclude = '', bRecursive = true)
- {
      global  ; This is important for creating/accessing array
      nTotalFiles := 0
      nIndex := g_nFilesCount+1
      ; Check if the last character of the folder name is a backslash, which happens for root
      ; directories such as C:\. If it is, remove it to prevent a double-backslash later on.
      StringRight, LastChar, strFolder, 1
      if LastChar = \
          StringTrimRight, strFolder, strFolder, 1  ; Remove the trailing backslash.
      ; Ensure the variable has enough capacity to hold the longest file path. This is done
      ; because ExtractAssociatedIconA() needs to be able to store a new filename in it.
      VarSetCapacity(Filename, 260)
      sfi_size = 352
      VarSetCapacity(sfi, sfi_size)
      ; Gather a list of file names from the folder
      Loop %strFolder%\*.*, 0, %bRecursive%
-     {
          ;MsgBox %A_LoopFileName%
          ; filter out
          If (strExtExclude != '')
-         {
              if A_LoopFileExt in %strExtExclude%
-             {
          If (strExtInclude != '')
-         {
              if A_LoopFileExt not in %strExtInclude%
-             {
          ; Name|In Folder|Modified|Size (KB)|Type
          FormatTime, FileTimeModified, %A_LoopFileTimeModified% LSys R D1    ;, MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm
          ToWideChar(A_LoopFileName, %arrResultName%%nIndex%_Name)
          ToWideChar(A_LoopFileExt, %arrResultName%%nIndex%_Ext)
          ToWideChar(A_LoopFileDir, %arrResultName%%nIndex%_Folder)
          ToWideChar(FileTimeModified, %arrResultName%%nIndex%_Modified)
          ToWideChar(A_LoopFileSizeKB, %arrResultName%%nIndex%_SizeKB)
          ; We need this for pattern matching
          %arrResultName%%nIndex%_NameAnsi := A_LoopFileName
          %arrResultName%%nIndex%_FolderAnsi := A_LoopFileDir
      return nTotalFiles
  #IfWinActive ahk_class AutoHotkeyGUI
      IfWinNotActive, ahk_id %g_hMainWnd%,
-     {
          Send, {Up}
      GuiControl, Focus, SysListView321,
      ;ControlSend, SysListView321, {Up}, %g_hMainWnd%
      IfWinNotActive, ahk_id %g_hMainWnd%,
-     {
          Send, {Down}
      GuiControl, Focus, SysListView321,
      ;ControlSend, SysListView321, {Down}, %g_hMainWnd%
  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Helper Functions ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  ListView_RedrawItems(hwndLV, iFirst, iLast)
- {
      global LVM_REDRAWITEMS
      SendMessage, LVM_REDRAWITEMS, iFirst, iLast, , ahk_id %hwndLV%
      return %ErrorLevel%
  ListView_SetItemCount(hwndLV, cItems)
- {
      SendMessage, LVM_SETITEMCOUNT, cItems, LVSICF_NOINVALIDATEALL, , ahk_id %hwndLV%
      return %ErrorLevel%
  TransformWideCharToMultiByte(pWideChar, nWideCharNumber)
- {
      Global CP_ACP
      nRequiredSize := WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, pWideChar, nWideCharNumber, 0, 0, 0, 0)
      if(nRequiredSize > 0)
-     {
          VarSetCapacity( pMultiByteBuffer, nRequiredSize, 0 )
          nBytesWritten := WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, pWideChar, nWideCharNumber, &pMultiByteBuffer, nRequiredSize, 0, 0)
          return pMultiByteBuffer
      return 0
  TransformMultiByteToWideChar(pMultiByte, ByRef pWideCharBuffer)
- {
      Global CP_ACP
      nRequiredSize := MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, pMultiByte, -1, 0, 0)
      if(nRequiredSize > 0)
-     {
          VarSetCapacity( pWideCharBuffer, nRequiredSize<<1, 0 )
          nBytesWritten := MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, pMultiByte, -1, &pWideCharBuffer, nRequiredSize)
          return nBytesWritten
      return -1
  ToWideChar(strAnsiText, ByRef strUnicodeText)
- {
      nStrLen := StrLen(strAnsiText)
      VarSetCapacity(strUnicodeText, (nStrLen+1)*2, 0)
      TransformMultiByteToWideChar(&strAnsiText, strUnicodeText)
      Return strUnicodeText
  WideCharToMultiByte(CodePage, dwFlags, lpWideCharStr, cchWideChar, lpMultiByteStr, cbMultiByte, lpDefaultChar, lpUsedDefaultChar)
- {
      global pWideCharToMultiByte
      return DllCall(pWideCharToMultiByte, 'UInt', CodePage, 'UInt', dwFlags, 'UInt', lpWideCharStr, 'Int', cchWideChar, 'UInt', lpMultiByteStr, 'Int', cbMultiByte, 'UInt', lpDefaultChar, 'UInt', lpUsedDefaultChar)
  MultiByteToWideChar(CodePage, dwFlags, lpMultiByteStr, cbMultiByte, lpWideCharStr, cchWideChar)
- {
      global pMultiByteToWideChar
      return DllCall(pMultiByteToWideChar, 'UInt', CodePage, 'UInt', dwFlags, 'UInt', lpMultiByteStr, 'Int', cbMultiByte, 'UInt', lpWideCharStr, 'Int', cchWideChar)
  DecodeInteger( p_type, p_address, p_offset, p_hex=true )
- {
    old_FormatInteger := A_FormatInteger
    ifEqual, p_hex, 1, SetFormat, Integer, hex
    else, SetFormat, Integer, dec
    StringRight, size, p_type, 1
    loop, %size%
        value += *( ( p_address+p_offset )+( A_Index-1 ) ) << ( 8*( A_Index-1 ) )
    if ( size <= 4 and InStr( p_type, 'u' ) != 1 and *( p_address+p_offset+( size-1 ) ) & 0x80 )
        value := -( ( ~value+1 ) & ( ( 2**( 8*size ) )-1 ) )
    SetFormat, Integer, %old_FormatInteger%
    return, value
  EncodeInteger( p_value, p_size, p_address, p_offset )
- {
      global pRtlFillMemory
      loop, %p_size%
          DllCall( pRtlFillMemory, 'uint', p_address+p_offset+A_Index-1, 'uint', 1, 'uchar', p_value >> ( 8*( A_Index-1 ) ) )
  GetProcAddressInModule(strFuncName, strModuleName = 'kernel32')
- {
      return DllCall('GetProcAddress', uint, DllCall('GetModuleHandle', str, strModuleName), str, strFuncName)

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