
libvirt: The virtualization API

 浸心阁 2015-06-02

The virtualization API

libvirt is:

  • A toolkit to interact with the virtualization capabilities of recent versions of Linux (and other OSes), see our project goals for details.
  • Free software available under the GNU Lesser General Public License.
  • A long term stable C API
  • A set of bindings for common languages
  • A CIM provider for the DMTF virtualization schema
  • A QMF agent for the AMQP/QPid messaging system
  • A technical meritocracy, in which participants gain influence over a project through recognition of their contributions.

libvirt supports:

libvirt provides:

  • Remote management using TLS encryption and x509 certificates
  • Remote management authenticating with Kerberos and SASL
  • Local access control using PolicyKit
  • Zero-conf discovery using Avahi multicast-DNS
  • Management of virtual machines, virtual networks and storage
  • Portable client API for Linux, Solaris and Windows

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