

 易良义 2015-06-03


Where there is fear, man inevitably seeks something that will protect him, safeguard him, that will hold him in a sense of certainty, complete security, because he is basically frightened. Out of that fear, we invent gods, out of that fear we invent all the rituals, all the circus that goes on in the name of religion. All the temples in this country, all the churches and the mosques are put together by thought.


You may say that there is direct revelation, but you never question, doubt that revelation; you accept it. And if one uses logic and reason, one sees that all the superstitions that one has accumulated is not religion. Obviously. Can you put all that aside to find out what is the nature of religion, of the mind that holds the quality of religious living?


Can we, as human beings who are frightened, not invent, not create illusions but face fear? Fear can disappear completely when you hold it, remain with it, not escape from it, when you give your whole attention to it. It is like a light being thrown on fear, a great, flashing light. Then that fear disappears completely. And when there is no fear there is no god, there are no rituals; all that becomes unnecessary, stupid.


All that is irreligious. The things that thought has invented are irreligious, because thought is merely a material process based on experience, knowledge, and memory. And thought invents the whole rigmarole, the whole structure of organized religions, which have no meaning at all. Can you put aside all that voluntarily, without seeking a reward at the end of it? Will you do it? When you do that, then you begin to ask: What is religion, and is there something beyond all time and thought?


You may ask that question but if thought invents something beyond, then it is still a material process. We have said that thought is a material process because it is sustained, nourished, in the brain cells. The speaker is not a scientist, but you can watch it in yourself, watch the activity of your own brain, which is the activity of thought.


So if you can put aside all that easily, without any resistance, then you inevitably ask: ‘Is there something beyond all time and space? Is there something that has never before been seen by any man? Is there something immensely sacred? Is there something that the brain has never touched?’ You will find that out if you have taken the first step—which is to wipe away all this rubbish called religion by using your brain, by your logic, your doubt, your questioning.


That Benediction is Where You Are, Talk 4


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