
Interwiew with Frank——by Eric

 自定义1994 2015-06-06

Interwiew with Frank
Interviewee: Frank
Interviewer: Eric
Interview Language: English
Interview Location: Frank’s Home
采访时间:2015.05.25 晚
Interview Time: Evening on May 25, 2015
Dictation and Editing: Eric
Translated by Eric

Audio interview presented without cutting. Text presented with some modification.

Eric: Today we’re so happy to have with us Frank, who is a top translator in China, who passed CATTI Level 1 back in 2013, also who came back from the United States. Frank, thank you for giving me this opportunity to have an interview with us. Hello, Frank.

Eric: 今天我们很荣幸邀请到国内顶尖翻译Frank接受我们的采访。Frank美国求学归来后,在2013年就通过了CATTI一笔。Frank,非常感谢拨冗接受我们的采访。

Frank: Thank you, Eric. Hello, everybody, I’m Frank. I’m a part- time translator. I also work in a joint venture now.

Frank: 谢谢,Eric。大家好,我是Frank。我在一家中外合资企业工作,同时是一名兼职翻译。

Q: I know that you have been a translator for quite a few years, and it seems that you got a lot of interest for translation, so I want to know how did you embark on this journey of translation?


A: That comes to several years ago. As you know, I majored in ecology, so I always thought about contributing to environmental protection in whatever forms. In 2009, I learned that China Dialogue was recruiting volunteers who could do translation for their website. I knew that that website had global impact focused on environmental problems, so I joined that group (of volunteers). Because all the materials we translated would be edited before publication, so during that period of time I learned that doing translation was quite different from language study. That’s the beginning when I entered the field of translation.


Q: You have taken up translation for such a long while, which means that you have taken up English for a much longer while, so- when did you start to learn English?


A: Well, I have to point out that I haven’t been a translator for so long a time, but just several years- about 5 or 6 years. That’s not quite a long experience. But I really have something to share with you about my language study. When I entered college, I felt quite embarrassed in the first English class, during that class the teacher asked us to give a presentation or just tell a story. One classmate, who came from Xinjiang Autonomous Region, told us a movie story which lasted about 5 minutes. She performed so well that impressed everyone of us. But, at that time, I could not speak one complete sentence, I felt so embarrassed so that I decided to improve my oral English from then on. I knew that I had some problem with my pronunciation, so I went to Li Yang Crazy English for pronunciation correction. That course took me about 2 days. (That course was) just about pronunciation correction, nothing else. After that, I tried to practice purposefully and I kept pronunciation in mind every time I spoke English. After 3 to 4 months, it became natural for me to speak English in a relatively correct way. That helped me a lot because it helped build up my confidence. After that I went to New Oriental for another course, which was called American English, it took me about 6 or 7 days. What I learned from that training course was one conception: the teacher told us that if you want to study English and if you want to speak fluent English, you need to memorize as many sentences as possible instead of just memorizing words. If possible, we should recite paragraphs, or even, essays. That will give us the context of how to use the words, make us really understand its meaning and how to use it when we communicate with other people. After those two training courses, about 2 years of studying and practicing, I improved my English quite a lot.


Q: I know that after graduation from university, after getting a master degree in China, you went to the United States to get a doctoral degree. I feel like that a lot of people think that studying abroad will help you a lot in improving your English mastery. What do you think?


A: Well, not necessarily. I know several of my friends and several of my classmates, who have stayed in the United Stats for several years, but they still cannot speak English fluently- let alone deliver a presentation fluently in an academic environment. I have to say that living in an English- speaking country will force you improve your listening ability quite quickly, because we need to respond to others in conversations- we expose ourselves to that environment. But if you want to speak fluently, you need to practice it. When you are alone, you should go to some English environment that could really immerse yourself to interact with people orally; otherwise it does not necessarily improve your oral English. I know there many overseas students, especially the young ones, they would love to hang around with their Chinese friends after class. After several years of study when they finish their undergraduate study, they still cannot express in English fluently. So whether a person can improve his/her language ability depends more on his/her own efforts.


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