
LSE Alumni

 WeizhiYe 2015-06-09

The hugely successful LSE North America Forum in New York took place in May and was attended by over 350 alumni and guests. 

The event was hosted by LSE Director and President, Professor Craig Calhoun, who delivered a state of the School and his vision for the future of LSE. 

The warm reception extended to LSE academics demonstrated the profound affinity alumni and friends in North America have for the School. This was further demonstrated by the range of attendees: alumni spanning generations and seven decades, from the 1958 to 2014 cohorts, were in attendance. 

A panel discussion with Professors Erik Berglof, Mick Cox, Danny Quah and Peter Trubowitz on “American Decline: Fact, Fiction, or None of the Above”, was followed by a lively Q&A with the audience and further questions submitted via social media. 

LSE alumnus and distinguished financier, Richard Goeltz (General Course 1963) accepted the inaugural LSE Distinguished Alumni Leadership Award, in recognition of his significant and decades-long contribution to the life of LSE, while Janet Yellen, Chair of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve, accepted an honorary degree and shared memories of her time teaching at LSE in the 1980s.

The LSE Global Forum series forms part of LSE’s 120th anniversary celebrations,  providing an opportunity for LSE alumni and friends around the world to reconnect with the School and each other. Details of the next Global Forum will be announced soon.

Click here for a selection of images from the event

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