

 zzcl知足常乐 2015-06-11


  • 塔里亚Avakian

    banana curry pizzaFlickr / Ola Waagen在瑞典,你会发现比萨饼加上成熟的香蕉和咖喱的踢。




    意大利那不勒斯披萨是那么严肃,那有一个组织叫Associazione Verace比萨Napoletana致力于维护其真实性。 规则指定,披萨应该不超过2毫米厚和烤60 - 90秒485°C的石头烤箱柞木火。 经典那不勒斯派有嚼地壳和手工成分,通常顶部放上新鲜的番茄马苏里拉奶酪、新鲜的罗勒,和大蒜。

    Pizza is taken so seriously in Naples, Italy, that there is an organization called that Associazione Verace Pizza Napoletana that's devoted to upholding its authenticity. Rules specify that pizza should be no more than 2 millimeters thick and baked for 60-90 seconds in a a 485 °C stone oven with an oak-wood fire. Classic Neapolitan pies have a chewy crust and are usually topped with fresh artisanal ingredients, like tomato mozzarella, fresh basil, and garlic.




    In Brazil, common pizza toppings include ham, cheese, corn, green peas, and hearts of palm.
    Flickr / tablehopper

    在纽黑文,康涅狄格州,披萨,或者apizza,煮在一个炽热的砖炉生产更多的烧焦的和脆薄的地壳。 这些披萨往往包括奶酪,和发明的“白蛤派”弗兰克佩佩的匹萨饼店Napoletana,已成为一个主要与小脖子蛤蜊加橄榄油,牛至,乳酪粉,蒜茸。

    In New Haven, Connecticut, pizza, or apizza, is cooked in an intensely hot brick oven to produce a more charred and crispy thin crust. These pizzas tend to include less cheese, and the “white clam pie” invented by Frank Pepe’s Pizzeria Napoletana, has become a staple with little neck clams smothered in olive oil, oregano, grated cheese, and chopped garlic.

    挞flambee是阿尔萨斯的形式由一个非常薄的地壳的比萨面团滚满鲜奶油,洋葱、薄片和肥腊肉片。 煮熟的柴火灶,脆,好吃的披萨。

    Tarte flambée is an Alsatian form of pizza that's composed of a very thin-crust dough rolled that's covered with crème fra?che, thinly sliced onions, and lardons. Cooked in a wood-fire oven, the pizza is crispy and savory.
    巴克Flickr /会

    芬兰的贝卢斯科尼披萨是由熏驯鹿,西红柿,奶酪,鸡油菌、红洋葱。 披萨的名字就在2008年,意大利总理西尔维奥·贝卢斯科尼后评论芬兰品尝美食。 它赢得了美国的板在纽约国际比萨比赛。

    Finland's Pizza Berlusconi is made of smoked reindeer, tomato, cheese, chanterelle, and red onions. The pizza got its name in 2008, after Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi made a comment about tasting Finnish cuisine. It won the America's Plate International pizza contest in New York that year.


    在韩国,去咬的烤肉披萨,烤肉,烤卤牛肉,西红柿酱,奶酪,和配料如蘑菇、青椒和泡菜。 口味提供一种甜的和咸的组合和泡菜的酸味。

    In Korea, go for a bite of the Bulgogi pizza, made from Bulgogi, a grilled marinated beef, tomato sauce, cheese, and toppings like mushrooms, bell peppers, and kimchi. The flavors provide a sweet and salty combination that goes well with the sourness of the kimchi.
    Flickr / Ivan丽安



    Chicago, Illinois, is famous for its deep-dish pizzas, which are baked in a specialized, round pan and loaded with cheese and chunky tomato sauce.


    In India, pickled ginger, minced mutton, and a type of Indian cheese known as paneer are popular pizza toppings.
    Flickr / Naotake说话”



    纽约风格的披萨的特点是蓬松的外地壳变薄和曲折后中间。 披萨制造商经常hand-toss面团和烹饪披萨在石头上,而不是在一个平底锅。

    New-York style pizza is characterized by a puffy outer crust that gets thinner and crispier once it hits the middle. The pizza makers often hand-toss the dough and cook the pizza on stones rather than in a pan.
    Flickr /埃里克


    In France, fried egg is usually either baked directly on top of pizza or fried in a pan and then placed on top.
    Flickr / withnail80


    Sweden is home to a variety of intriguing pizzas including its banana curry pizza, traditionally made with smoked ham, curry powder, and ripe bananas.
    Flickr / Ola Waagen



    在苏格兰,哈吉斯,布丁的羊的心脏,肝脏和肺,然后剁碎并与洋葱,燕麦粥,牛脂,调味料,之前和盐混合着股票,可以找到的比萨饼。 众所周知,哈吉斯有一个疯狂的纹理和一种好吃的味道。

     In Scotland, Haggis, a pudding made of sheep’s heart, liver, and lungs, which is then minced with onion, oatmeal, suet, spices, and salt before being mixed with stock, can be found on top of pizzas. Haggis is known to have a nutty texture and a savory flavor.
    Flickr /阿拉斯泰尔·班尼特


    Australia has a variety of eclectic meat toppings, including kangaroo, emu and crocodile.
    Flickr /奥斯汀米尔斯

    梅奥Jaga的披萨你会发现在日本。 它是用番茄沙司,上面有洋葱,玉米,土豆,肉,辣椒粉和蛋黄酱。

    Mayo Jaga is one of the pizzas you’ll find in Japan. It is made with tomato sauce and topped with onions, corn, potato, pancetta, paprika and mayonnaise.



    Detroit-style披萨,发达国家在底特律,密歇根州,是一个方形比萨饼,厚,厚地壳。 地壳是twice-baked在油的锅里脆,耐嚼的质地,和意大利辣香肠比萨饼通常超过,橄榄和番茄酱。

    Detroit-style pizza, developed in Detroit, Michigan, is a square pizza with a thick, deep-dish crust. The crust is twice-baked in a well-oiled pan to get a crunchy, chewy texture, and the pizzas are usually topped with pepperoni, olives, and marinara sauce.
    Flickr /比尔沃尔什

    Thunfisch或金枪鱼披萨,在德国是一个受欢迎的选择。 它通常包括金枪鱼、番茄酱、辣椒、洋葱、奶酪和牛至。


    在阿根廷,Fugazza是一个受欢迎的披萨用甜洋葱和香草。 没有加番茄酱。 变化是Fugazetta,双重陈年的版本,塞满了马苏里拉奶酪之前加上甜洋葱。

     In Argentina, Fugazza is a popular pizza which is made with sweet onions and herbs. There's no marinara sauce. A variation is the Fugazetta, a double crusted version that is stuffed with mozzarella before being topped with the sweet onions.
    Flickr / blakeread


    夏威夷披萨,加上菠萝块和火腿,据说创造了安大略省,加拿大,1962年。 版本可以超过混合辣椒、蘑菇、和加拿大熏肉。

    Hawaiian pizza, topped with chunks of pineapple and ham, is said to have been created in Ontario, Canada, in 1962. Versions can be topped with mixed peppers, mushrooms, and Canadian bacon.
    Flickr / elsiehui


     In Pakistan, Chicken Tikka, chicken seasoned in chili, is a popular topping in addition to sausage-based pizzas.






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