

 joycue 2015-06-20



Write about Internet in some 120 words. Try to cover the following points.

1. How do you like Internet surfing?

2. What do you think is the future development of Internet?

3. How does Internet change your life?

V.Writing Task: (作文写作) 25页

Write about 120 words on the topic“My Job”. Try to cover the following points:

1.what job you do;

2. what it takes to succeed on your job; and

3. what you have gained from your job.

Oral and Writing Task: (作文写作) 42页

A. Work in groups of 3 0r 4 to talk about the environmental problems which occurred on our

planet in recent years. Try to cover the following points.




B. You are also expected to write on the topic you have talked about. Your composition should be about 120 words.

V. Writing Task: (作文写作) 106页

Write a short passage on "Trust". Your writing should include the following information.

( about 120 words)




V. Wrrting Task : (作文写作) 173页

Write about Energy Reform in some 120 words. Try to cover the following points.

1. What is the present energy consumption situation in our country?

2. What kind of measures should Chinese government take to increase the energy efficiency?

3. What should we do personally?

IV. Writing Task: (作文写作) 222页

Write about 120 words on the topic "Computer-A Good Friend". You should write according to the three-point outline given below.

1. Nowadays computers are widely used in modern society.

2. They help people in different ways. 3. They also offer entertainment to people.


标题一 Preserving Our Planet标题一 保护我们的地球

第一段 Despite decades of scientific research, no one yet knows how much damage human activity is doing to the environment. Humans are thought to be responsible for a large number of environmental problems, ranging from global warming to ozone depletion. What is not in doubt, however, is the devastating effect humans are having on the animal and plant life of the planet.第一段 尽管科学研究进行了几十年,但仍然没有人知道人类活动对环境的破坏究竟有多大。人类被认为应该为一系列环境问题负责:从全球温度上升到臭氧大大减少。然而有一点是毫无疑问的,即人类正对地球上的动、植物的生活产生极大的破坏作用。 第二段Currently, about 50,000 species become extinct every year. “If this carries on, the impact on all living creatures is likely to be profound," says Dr Nick Middleton, a geographer at Oxford University. "All species depend in' some way on each other to survive. And the danger is that, if you remove one species from this very complex web of interrelationships, you have very little idea about the knock-on effects on the ecosystem. So, if you lose a key species, you might cause a whole flood of other extinctions. "

第二段 目前,估计每年大约有5万物种绝迹。牛滓大学的地理学家尼克,密德尔顿博士说道,如果这种情况继续下去,它对所有生物的影响将可能是深远的。“所有物种都以某种方式互相依赖以生存。因此危险就在于,如果你从这个互相联系的非常复杂的网络上除掉一个物种,你很难预料这对生态系统造成的连锁影响。所以,如果你失去了一个重要物种,那也许会引起大量其他物种的绝迹。“ 第三段Complicating matters is the fact that there are no obvious solutions to the problem. Unlike global warming and ozone depletion-which, if the political will was there, could be reduced by cutting gas emissions-preserving bio-diversity remains an intractable problem.第三段 麻烦的是对这些问题还没有明显的解决办法。和全球气温上升以及臭氧大大减少这些问题小一样,如果政府进行干预,这两种情况叮以通过减少废气的排放得以减弱,而保护生物的多样性却依然是一个十分棘手的问题。第四段The latest idea is " sustainable management". This means humans should be able to use any species

of animal or plant for their benefit, provided enough individuals of that species are left alive to ensure its continued existence.第四段 最新的想法是“可持续管理”,这就是说,如果人类能使每一物种有足够的个体存活下来,从而确保该物种得以延续其生存,那么人类才能从动、植物物种中获益。 第五段Sustainable management is seen as a practical and economical way of protecting species from extinction. Instead of depending on largely ineffective laws against illegal hunting, it gives local people a good economic reason to preserve plants and animals. In Zimbabwe, for instance, there is a sustainable management project to protect elephants. Foreign tourists pay large sums of money to kill these animals for sport. This money is then given to the inhabitants of the area where the hunting takes place. In theory, locals will be encouraged to protect elephants, instead of hunting them illegally-or allowing others to do so-because of the economic benefit involved.

第五段 人们把可持续管理视为一种保护物种使之免于绝迹的实用而又经济的办法。这种办法使当地人们可以为丁经济上的原因而去保护动、植物,而不是依靠在很大程度上难以奏效的那些反非法偷猎的规章制度。例如,在津巴布韦就有可持续管理项目来保护大象。外国游客为娱乐猎杀这些动物要付高额费用:,这些钱随后要交给射猎括动地区的居民。可以预测,由于牵涉到当地居民的经济利益,他们会受到激励去保护大象而不是去非法愉猎或允许其他人去備猎大象。 第六段This sounds like a sensible strategy, but it remains to be seen whether it will work. With corruption popular in many developing countries, some observers are suspicious that the money will actually reach the people it is intended for. Others wonder how effective the locals will be at stopping illegal hunters.第六段 这听起来像是一项明智的策略,但它能否起作用还有待于观察。由于许多发展中国家普遍存在腐败,一些观察家对这些钱财实际上能否到达应该接受这笔财物的人们手中表示怀疑。而另一些人则想知道当地居民在制止非法偷猎者方面究竟有多大效果。 第七段There are also questions about whether sustainable management is practical when it comes to protecting areas of great bio-diversity such as the world's tropical forests. In theory, the principle should be the same as with elephants-allow logging companies to cut down a certain number of trees, but not so many as to completely destroy the forest.第七段 当涉及保护生物多样性的地区,如世界热带森林时,可持续管理是否仍然切实可行,人们也有一些疑问。理论上讲,原则应该和处理大象一样——允许伐木公司砍伐一定量的树木,但这个量不应该多到会完全摧毁整个森林的程度。第八段Sustainable management of forests requires controls on the number of trees which are cut down, as well as investment in replacing them. Because almost all tropical forests are located in countries which desperately need income from logging, there are few regulations and incentives to do this. In fact, for loggers, the most sensible economic approach is to cut down as many trees as quickly as possible.第八段 森林的可持续管理既需要投资种植新树以取代被砍伐的树木,也需要对被砍伐树木的数量进行控制。由于几乎所有的热带森林都位于那些迫切需要从伐木中得到收入的国家,因此在那里很少有规章制度和奖励措施来控制伐木数量及鼓励种植新树。事实七,对伐木者来说,最明智最合算的办法是尽快砍伐尽可能多的树木。

题目二Engineering By Walter Monfried 题目二 工 程 学

第一段 Engineering is the profession that puts scientific knowledge to practical use. Engineers use principles of science to design structures, machines, and products of all kinds. They look for better ways to use existing resources and often develop new materials. Engineers have had a direct role in the creation of most of modern technology-the tools, materials, techniques, and power sources that make our lives easier. 第一段 工程学是一门将科学知识运用于实践的专业。丁程师运用科学原理设计建筑物、机器以及各种各样的产品。他们寻找更好的方法来使用现存的资源,同时也经常开发新材料。工程师在绝大部分现代科技的创新中发挥着直接的作用,例如,为使生活更轻松自如,我们靠他们才有了工具、材料、技术和能源等。 第二段The field of engineering includes a wide variety of activities. For example, engineering projects range from the construction of huge dams to the design of tiny electronic circuits. Engineers may help produce guided missiles, industrial robots, or artificial limbs for the physically handicapped. They develop complex scientific equipment to explore the reaches of outer space and the depths of the oceans. Engineers also plan our electric power and water supply systems,and do research to improve automobiles, television sets, and other consumer products. They may work to reduce environmental pollution, increase the world's food supply, and make transportation faster and safer.

第二段 工程学领域包括有各种不同的活动。比如,工程项目涵盖内容可大到水坝的建设,小到细微的电子线路的设计。工程师可以帮助生产导弹、工业用机器人或为身体有残疾的人生产假肢。他们开发复杂的科学设备来勘探外层窄间和海洋深处。工程师还为我们规划电力和供水系统,研究改善汽车、电视机以及其他消费品。他们致力于减少环境污染,增加世界粮食的供应,以及使运输更加快捷和安全。 第五段Distinct branches of engineering began to develop during the Industrial Revolution. The term civil engineer was first used about 1750 by John Smeaton, a British engineer. Mechanical engineers emerged as specialists in industrial machjnery, and mining and metallurgical engineers were needed to supply metals and fuels. By the late 1800s, the development of electric power and advances in chemical processing had created the fields of electrical and chemical engineering. Professional schools began to be founded as the demand for engineers steadily increased. 第五段 在工业革命期间,工程学的不同分支开始出现。1750年,英国工程师——约翰,斯密顿,首先使用土木工程师这一词忙。机械工程师是指工业机械方面的专家,而金属和燃料方面的供应则需要有采矿和冶金工程师。到19世纪末期,电力的发展和化学加工的进步创建了电机和化

学工程学。由于对工程师的需求不断增加,人们开始建立职业学校。 第六段Since 1900, the number of engineers and of engineering specialities has expanded dramatically. Artificial hearts, airplanes, computers, lasers, nuclear energy, plastics, space travel, and television are only a few of the scientific and technological breakthroughs that engineers have helped bring about in this century. Because science and technology are progressing and changing so rapidly, today's engineers must study throughout their careers to make sure that their knowledge and expertise do not become obsolete. They face the challenging task of keeping pace with the latest advances while working to shape the technology of the future. 第六段 自从1900年以来,工程师以及工程专业的数目大规模扩大。人工心胜、飞机、计算机、激光、核能、塑料、太空旅行和电视等只是工程师在本世纪所进行的科学技术创新的一小部分。因为科学技术在飞速发展和变化,工程师在从事其事业的过程中必须不断学习以确保他们的知识和专门技能不过时。在致力于未来技术发展的同时,他们面临着跟上最新技术的挑战。第七段The field of engineering offers a broad range of job opportunities. Engineers may work in factories, offices, and government laboratories or at construction sites. Some engineers are involved in the research and development of new products. Others are responsible for turning plans and specifications for new structures, machines, or systems into reality. Still others use their background and training to sell and service technical equipment. Many engineers work on projects in teams that include scientists, technicians, and other engineers, however, some engineers act as independent consultants who sell their services to people who need engineering assistance.Engineers may also hold teaching positions or move up into management positions in business. 第七段 工程学领域提供了大量的工作机会。工程师可以在工厂、办公室、政府实验室,或者施工场地工作。有的工程师可能进行新产品的研发。有的工程师可能负责将新结构、新机械和新系统的设计及说明书付诸于实施。还有一些其他的工程师运用他们的知识背景和所受的训练来销售技术设备或进行技术设备维护。很多工程师与他人一起做项目,这个集体中包括科学家、技师和其他工程师等;但是,也有一些工程师是作为独立的顾问,向那些需要技术支持的人出售他们的服务。工程师还可能任教职,或者从事企业的管理工作。第八段Certain abilities and traits help qualify a person for an engineering career. Engineers must have technical aptitude and skill in mathematics and the sciences. They should be curious about the " how" and " why" of natural and mechanical things and creative in finding new ways of doing things, able to analyze problems systematically and logically and to communicate well-both orally and in writing, and willing to work within strict budgets and meet tight deadlines. In addition, skill in directing and supervising other workers is an important part of many engineering jobs. 第八段 成为工程事业的合格人才应具备一定的能力和特征。工程师必须有数学和科学领域的天资与技能。他们要对自然事物和机械事物的“如何”和“为什么”等问题充满好奇心,能够创造性地发现开展工作的新方法,能够有步骤地、逻辑地分析问题,善于口头上和书面上的沟通,能够接受紧缩的预算和较紧的工期。另外,对于很多工程住务,指挥和监督其他工作人员的技巧也是很重要的。

标题三Managers for the Twenty-first Century By Lester Thurow题目三 21世纪的管理者

第一段Historical developments of the past half century and the invention of modern telecommunication and transportation technologies have created a world economy. Effectively the American economy has died and been replaced by a world economy. 第一段 过去半个世纪的历史发展和现代通讯与运输技术的发明已创造出了全球经济。实际上,美国的经济已消亡,取而代之的是全球经济。 第二段 In the future there is no such thing as being an American manager. Even someone who spends an entire management career in 'Kansas City is in international management. He or she will compete with foreign firms, buy from foreign firms, sell to foreign firms, or acquire financing from foreign banks. 第二段展望未来,美国的管理者将不复存在。即使菜人整个管理生涯都在堪萨斯市度过,他也是在从事国际性管理。他或她将与外国公司竞争。从外围公司采购,向外国公司销售,或者从外国银行筹措资金。第三段 The globalization of the world's capital markets that has occurred in the past 10 years will be replicated right across the economy in the next decade. An international perspective has become central to management. Without it managers are operating in ignorance and cannot understand what is happening to them and their firms. 第三段过去10年世界资本市场出现的全球化在未来Lo年中也将在整个经济中重现。超过国界的视角已成为管理的重点,缺乏这样的视角,管理者就会处于愚昧的经营状态,也无法理解他们和他们的公司究竟发生了什么。 第四段Partly because of globalization and partly because of demography, the work forces of the next century are going to be very different from those of the last century. Most firms will be employing more foreign nationals. More likely than not, you and your boss will not be of the same nationality. Demography and changing social mores mean that white males will become a smaller fraction of the work force as women and minorities grow in importance. All of these factors will require changes in the traditional methods of managing the work force. 第四段 由于部分是经济的全球化。部分是人口统计方面的原因,下个世纪的劳动力构成将与即将过去的这个世纪有很大不同。大多数公司将雇佣更多外籍人员。很有可能你的老板和你不是同一国人。人口统计和不断变化中的社会习俗意味着,随着妇女和少数民族重要性的增加。白人男子在劳动力群体中所占比例将会减少。所有这些因素都要求对劳动力管理的传统方法加以变革。第七段 To be on top of this situation, tomorrow's managers will have to have a strong background in organizational psychology, human relations, and labor economics. The MIT Sloan School of Management attempts to advance our understanding in these areas through research and then quickly bring the fruits of this new research to our students so that they can be leading-edge managers when it comes to the

human side of the equation. 第七段 要想控制局势,明天的管理者必须在组织心理学、人际关系和劳动经济学方面具备坚实的基础。麻省理工学院斯隆管理学院力图通过研究来促进我们对这些领域的理解,然后再迅速把新研究的成果带给我们的学牛,以便在考虑管理方程式中人的因素时。他们可发挥前锋管理者的作用。 第八段The first three decades after World War II were unusual in that the United States had a huge technological lead over all of the rest in the world. In a very real sense the world was not technologically competitive. American firms did not have to worry about their technological competitiveness because they were superior. 第八段二战后的头30年极不寻常,闲为那时美闰在技术上远远领先于世界其他各国。完全可以说,当时世界上不存在技术竞争。美国公司因为处于优势地位而不必担心自己的技术竞争力。 第九段But that world has disappeared. Today we live in a world where American firms no longer have automatic technological superiority. In some areas they are still ahead, in some areas they are average, and in some areas they are behind, but on average they are average. 第九段可是,那样的世界已经消失了。今天,在我们所生活的世界中,美国公司已不再是自然而然地具有技术上的优势。在某些领域他们依然领先,在另一些领域他们处于中等水平,而在有些领域他们已经落伍,但平均来说他们处于中等水平。 第十段What this means is that American managers have to understand the forces of technical change in ways that were not necessary in the past. Conversely, managers from the rest of the第十段 这意味着,美国管理者必须一反过去认为不必要的心态,以新的方式理解技术变化的力量。相反,世界其他地区的管理者知道,如果他们比美国竞争对手更好地理解技术变化的力量,那么他们现在就有可龍凌驾于美国竞争对手之上。 第十一段The globalization of the world's capital markets that has occurred in the past 10 years will be replicated right across the economy in the next decade. An international perspective has become central to management. Without it managers are operating in ignorance and cannot understand what is happening to them and their firms. 第十一段 在未来的世界中,不论管理者在公司里的职能任务是什么,他们都不能是技术盲。他们不必是发明新技术的科学家或工程师,但是,他们必须成为懂得对新技术何时该投资、何时不该投资的管理者。如果他们不理解发生的事情,技术实际上也已成为“黑匣子”的话,那么他们就无法作出变革。他们将是输家,而非赢家。 题目四 How the Rich Got Rich-and You Could Too Condensed from "LEARN TO EARN" By Peter Lynch and John Rothchild题目四 富豪是如何致富的——你也能做到

第一段Every year Forbes magazine prits The Forbes Four Hundred, a list of the richest individuals in the United States. This issue makes for interesting reading because it tells how these people made their money and how the country has changed over the years. 第一段 每年《福布斯》杂志都要公布美国最富有的400人排行榜。该杂志颇能激发人们的阅读兴趣,因为它不仅告诉你这些富翁是如何赚到钱的,而且迂间接地显示了美国这些年来所发生的种种变化。

第二段When Forbes published its first list in 1982 , five of the top ten were in the Hunt family that drilled Texas full of holes and hit a lot of gushers, which reminds us of advice attributed to billionaire J. Paul Getty on how to get ahead in the world: rise early, work hard, strike oil. Getty got his big start the old-fashioned way-from his father’s money. 第二段当《福布斯~1982年首次公布排行榜肘,榜中前10名大富豪中有5名属于亨持家族。这个家族是靠在得克萨斯州从事大范围的油井钻探业,打出了许多自喷井而致富的。这就使人想起亿万富翁J.保罗·盖蒂所提出的关于怎样出人头地的忠告:勤奋早起,埋头苦于,打井找油。但盖蒂本人最初却是以古老的方式——继承父辈的遗产起家的。

第三段 The original list 14 years ago was crawling with Rockefellers, and Du Ponts , a Frick,

a Whitney, Mellon or two-all great family fortunes that stretched back to the 19th century. The word "inheritance" appeared in the biographies 75 times. 第三段14年前跻身于最初排行榜的富豪中有相当一部分属于洛克菲勒家族、杜邦家族,有一个来自弗里克家族,一个来自惠特尼家族,梅隆家族也有一两个——而所有这些大家族的财富均可追溯到19世纪。“遗产”这个词在传记中出现了75次。

of what they want. Just behind Gates on the 1995 list is Warren Buffett, who made over $12 billion picking stocks. Buffett could be considered the greatest stocks picker in history. Most of his gains come from stocks in familiar companies you could

buy for yourself, such as Coca-Cola, Gillette and the Washington Post Co. 第七段今天的具有霉雷肖,艾尔格笔下主人公特征的富豪们往往来自平凡的背景,他们攀上巅蜂靠的是胆识、运气以及有清楚的奋斗目标。


Bill Gates, the Microsoft whiz, left Harvard to tinker with software and developed the operating brain that is installed in nearly every personal computer. Kirk Kerkorian, a junior-high dropout and son of an Armenian (亞美尼-IV-) immigrant fruit farmer, made millions from Hollywood deals and Las Vegas properties and is now a major Chrysler stockholder. Ted Turner of Turner Broadcasting was booted from Brown University, although he later went back to graduate. 第八段有一个令人吃惊的“退学族”也跻身于如0位富豪中。比尔。盖茨,那位微软的大能人,没有上完哈佛大学就去钻研软件,开发出一种几乎每台个人电脑都安装的工作大脑。凯尔克·科考里安这个从亚美尼亚移民来的果农的儿子,早在读初中时就退了学。他在与好莱坞的几笔交易以及拉斯维加斯的房地产中赚了数百万美元,如今他成为克莱斯勒汽车公司的大股东。拥有特纳广播公司的泰德,特纳曾被布朗大学开除,尽管他后来又返回学校参加了毕业典礼。

By the time he was 31, he and his partner, Dean L. Buntrock, had built the business into the world's largest waste-services company, Waste Management, Inc. Later he turned his attention to a Dallas video-rental store that he built into Blockbuster Video. 第九段哈里。韦恩,侏塞加也是一名大学退掌生。他凭一辆破旧的卡车开始干起了垃圾装运业。休塞加31岁时与合伙人迪安.L,本特罗克一道,已将其企业变成世界上最大的废物处理公司——废品经营公司。之后,他把注意力转向达拉斯一家录像带租赁店,最终把它变成了布罗克巴斯录像租赁连锁店。

land a decent job without a college education. Today it's nearly impossible. Also, every one of them had mastered the basic skills they needed to succeed inbusiness. They didn't drop out to avoid work-they dropped out to start a company or devote themselves to an interest. 第十段然而,你可不要因为这些人从学校退学就效法他们。要知道,在他们创业的那些年代,没有大学文凭就能找到体面的工作还是可能的。但在今天,这几乎是不可能的事情。而且,他们中每个人都掌握了在商业活动中取得成功的基本技能。他们退学并不是逃避工作——实际上他们都是为了创办一家公司,或去从事自己感兴趣的事业。

. 标题五 Kicking the Big-Car Habit标题五 改掉购买大型车的习惯

第一段 The commercial exploitation of crude oil has been among the most liberating technologies the world has ever known. When pumped through an internal combustion engine stuck in a metal box, refined oil has given freedom of movement to billions. Before the automobile, the life experience of most of those who lived in the rich world were limited-as in much of the poor world they remain-to neighborhood and family. When shot through gas turbines on wings, oil has shrunk the planet in a way that was once the stuff of science fiction. Neither of my parents ever flew; both my children had flown 30,000 miles before they were 2 years old, 第一段对原油的商业开采是世界上最具解放性的技术应用之一。精炼油在被抽吸进固定于金属箱中的内燃发动机后,就赋予了几十亿人行动的自由。在汽车发明前,多数富裕地区人们的生活——如同多数贫穷地区的人们目前依旧未变的处境一样——只局限于社区和家庭。而石油,往注人飞机上的燃气轮机后,就像昔日科幻小说中描述的那样,便让地球缩小了。我的父母从来乘坐过飞机,而我的两个位子2岁前就已经乘坐飞机飞越了30000英里。

第二段 But on Sept. 11, 2001, the world was reminded that oil is also a dangerous drug. The cheapest, most easily accessible oil reserves are in the Middle East, the most volatile region on earth. Future supplies of oil will be costly not simply in terms of dollars and cents but also in their effect on the environment. As those in poor countries dream of the same freedom of move ment that the wealthy have enjoyed for a century, oil's polluting effects will only get worse. The number of cars in Beijing, for example, is growing 150/o a year, contributing to the yellow-gray haze that often envelops the city. 第二段但是2001年9月11日警醒了世人,人们认识到石油也是一种危险的毒品。世界上最廉价、最容易开采的石油储备位于中东,这是地球上最动荡不安的地区。未来的石油供应代价会很高昂,这不仅体现在价格方而,更体现在其对环境的影响上。由于贫穷国家的人们梦想享有富人们长达一个世纪的那种行动自由,石油造成的污染影响只会更糟。比如北京的汽车数量正在以is%的速度递增,而这正是造成时常笼罩在北京上空的灰黄色烟雾的原因之一。

第三段 For all these reasons, it makes sense to dream of a world that is far, far less dependent on oil than it is now. Winning the O// Endgame: American Innovation for Projzts, Jobs and SecuriOP, written by a team led by Amory Lovins of the Rocky Mountain Institute in Snowmass, Colo. , is one of the best analyses of energy policy yet produced. Lovins, who has been preaching the need for fuel efficiency for some 30 years, thinks big. His aim is to promote a set of policies that over the next two decades would save half the oil the U. S. uses, before moving to a hydrogen-based economy that dispenses with oil altogether ( save for possible use as a fuel to produce hydrogen). If that seems hopelessly Utopian, Lovins reminds us that we have done something very like it before. Spurred by the oil price shocks of the 1970s, the United States between 1977 and 1985 increased efficiency and cut oil consumption 17% ( and net oil imports 500/o ) while the economy grew 27%. The key to that revolution was a huge increase in average miles-pergallon of the U. S. automobile fleet. If we had continued to increase energy efficiency at the same rate, the stability of Iraq and Saudi Arabia would by now be of minor concern to the U. S.policymakers. Instead, we bought SUVS and wasted two decades. 第三段由于上述种种原因,期盼世界大大降低对石油的依赖性就很合理了。科罗拉多州斯诺迈斯市洛基山研究所的艾默里·洛文斯领导的一个团队撰写的《赢得石油残局:为盈利、就业和安全而进行的美国革新》一书足迄今为止最好的能源政策分析报告之一。洛文斯雄心勃勃,近30年来他一直在倡导提高能源的利用效率。他的目标是促使政府通过一系列政策,在经济发展转变为以氢能源为基础,彻底摆脱石油(除了可能用来生产氢)之前,在未来20年中使美国的石油消费量节省一半。这看起来似乎过于空想,洛文斯则提醒说我们以前做过与此非常类似的事情。由于受到20世纪70年代石油价格飙升的刺激,美国在1977年到1985年间提高厂石油利用效率,石油消耗量降低了17%(石油进口净额戒少了50%)。 标题六 The Advertising of a Product标题六 产品的广告

第一段A consumer walks into a store. He stands in front of hundreds of boxes of laundry detergent.He chooses one brand, pays for it, and leaves. Why does he pick that specific kind of soap? Is it truly better than the others? Probably not. These days, many products are nearly identical to one another in quality and price. If products are almost the same, what makes consumers buy one

brand instead of another? Although we might not like to admit it, commercials on television and advertisements in magazines probably influence us much more than we think they do. 第一段 一个消费者走进了 -家商店,在琳琅满目的洗涤剂前驻足。他挑中了一个牌子,、付钱,然后离开。他为什么要选择那种品牌的肥皂?和其他产品相比,它真的要好一些吗?恐怕未必。如今。许多产品在质量和价格上都极其相似。如果这些产品之间没什么差别,是什么促使消费者购买某个品牌的产品而不买其他品牌的呢?尽管我们也许不愿意承认,但尾电视上和杂志中的商业广告对我们的影响可能比我们所想象的还要大。

第二段Advertising informs consumers about new products available on the market. It gives us in-

formation about everything from shampoo to toothpaste to computers and cars. But there is one serious problem with us. The "information" is actually very often misinformation. It tells us the products' benefits but hides their disadvantages. Advertising not only leads us to buy things that we don't need and can't afford, but also confuses our sense of reality. "Zoom toothpaste pre vents cavities and gives you white teeth!" the advertisement tells us. But it doesn't tell us the complete truth: that a healthy diet and a good toothbrush will have the same effect. 第二段 广告为消费者提供市场上出现的新产品的信息。它为我们提供从洗发露到牙膏,电脑和汽车的一切信息。但是这里,对我们来说,有=个严重的问题:这些信息往往是失真的。它告诉我们这些产品的优点却有意隐瞒了它们的缺点。广告不仅诱使我们买那些我们并不需要而且是买不起的东西,同时还混淆了我们的真实感。广告中说“活力牌牙膏防止蛀牙,让您拥有洁白牙齿“,但并没有讲出实施的全部真相,即健康的饮食结构和一把好的牙刷也能够起到同样的效果。

第三段 Advertisers use many methods to get us to buy their products. One of their most successful methods is to make us feel dissatisfied with ourselves and our imperfect lives. Advertisements show us who we aren't and what we don't have. Our teeth aren't white enough. Our hair isn't shiny enough. Our clothes aren't clean enough. Advertisements make us afraid that people won't like us if we don't use the advertised products. "Why don't I have any dates?" an attractive young woman sadly asks in a commercial. "Here," replies her roommate, "try Zoom toothpaste! " Of course she tries it, and immediately the whole football team falls in love with her. "That's a stupid commercial," we might say. But we still buy Zoom toothpaste out of fear of being unpopular and having no friends. If fear is the negative motive for buying a product, then wanting a good image is the positive reason for choosing it. Each of us has a mental picture of the kind of person we would like to be. For example, a modern young woman might like to think that she looks like a beautiful movie star. A middle-aged man might want to see himself as a strong attractive athlete. Advertisers know this. They write specific ads to make certain groups of people choose their product. Two people may choose different brands of toothpaste with the identical price, amount, and quality; each person believes that he or she is expressing his personality by choosing that brand. 第三段 广告商会使用许多方法来让我们买他们的产品,其中最有用的就是让我们对自己和我们不完美的生活现状感到不满。广告要证明我们还成为不了xxx,我们还没有??。比如我们的牙齿不够洁白,我们的头发不够闪亮,我们的衣不够干净。广告让我们担心如果我们不用这些广告产品我们就会不受欢迎。“为什么没有人和我约会?”一个迷人的年轻女人在广告中伤心地问道。“给,”她的室友回答,“试试活力牌牙膏。”当然,她这样做了,而且马上整个足球队都爱上了她。我们可能会说:“那是一个愚蠢的广告。”但是我们仍然会去买活力牌牙膏,因为我们担心会不受欢迎,甚至没有朋友。如果这种担心的心理是我们消费产品的消极理由,那么希望自己有一个好的形象则是我们选择这种产品的积极理由了。每个人的心中都有一个自己想成为的形象。比如,年轻时尚的女子可能希望自己长得像一个漂亮的电影明星;一个中年男子想让自己看起来像一个强壮富有魅力的运动员。广告商很清楚这一点。他们设计一些有针对性的广告来让某些人群购买他们的产品。两个人所选择的可能是两个不同品牌的牙膏,即使这两种牙膏有着相间的价格、数量和质量。每个人都相信通过购买自己的品牌可以表达自己的个性。

第四段Advertisers get psychologists to study the way consumers think and their reasons for choosing one brand instead of another. These experts tell advertisers about the motives of fear and self-image. They also inform them about recent studies with colors and words. Psychologists have found that certain colors on the package of an attractive product will cause people to reach out and take that package instead of buying an identical product with different colors. Also, certain words attract our attention. For example, the words 'snew," "improved," "natural," and"giant size" are very popular and seem to draw our eyes and hands toward the package. 第四段 广告商让心理学家们研究消费者的思维方式,以及他们会选择一种品牌而不是另外一种品牌的理由。而这些专家们则会告诉他们有关担心顾虑以及自我形象所引发的动机。他们还会告知广告商们有关颜色和用词的最新研究。心理学家们发现。右吸引力的产品。其包装[:的特定颜色会使人们伸手去取它,而不会去买另一种颜色的相同产品。而且,包装上特有的词语会引起我们的注意,比如“最新”,“改进”,“纯天然”以及“加大装”这些词语已经非常流行了,而且也似乎起到吸引我们的眼球并动手去取该产品的效果。

第五段 Many people believe that advertising does not affect them. They feel that they have freedom of choice, and they like to think they make wise choices. Unfortunately, they probably don't realize the powerful effect of advertising. They may not clearly understand that advertisers spend billions of dollars each year in aggressive competition for our money, and they are extremely successful. Do you believe that ads don't influence your choice of products? Just look at the brands in your kitchen and bathroom.

第五段 很多人认为他们是不受广告影响的。他们觉得他们有选择的自由。并且总是认为他们做出了明智的选择。遗憾的是,


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