
An Analysis of A Movie Poster of Up in the Wind

 昵称22736545 2015-06-21
   At present, there is no denying that a movie poster plays a considerably significant role in promoting the movie. Taking a look around, it's a movie poster of up in the wind. Nonetheless what can we get from the advertising movie poster?
  In the poster, from top to bottom, we can find the release date, main characters, title, director as well as some simple introductions. On the top, the release dates tell us when to see the movie up in the wind. Furthermore, the first part of the film's slogan says, "It's no chicken soup for the soul, and no right or wrong answer. " What's more, in the main part, main characters look as if they were lying in the wind, much comfortably. Comparing with the English title, Chinese title is particularly bigger, which can catch more attention from the Chinese. For another, the director is on the left while the film company is on the right. On the bottom, the background is the city, whose implied meaning is that main characters are far from the noisy city, just waiting for the wind.
  As a consequence, the poster has a very good interpretation of the theme:a female white-collar who is at a low point in her life meets the seemingly annoying male character. With his company and care, she gradually finds her confidence again. Obviously, now I can't wait to watch the movie up in the wind.

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