
The analysis of an poster

 昵称22731822 2015-06-22

It's a special poster about Pepsi-Cola which many people like to drink it but I not.

In the poster, we can see two famous actors like gazing at us and the background color use blue and the blue can make people feel comfortable and full of dynamic. The poster introduces Pepsi-Cola and two actors by medium shot so that it is to narrow the distance between people and two famous actors tell us some special news by eye contact which they want to say that it tastes very good and we should enjoy it. At the same time, according to this poster, we know that the man is given who located on the left. In contrast, the woman is new. In addition, this is the means for the business to attract customers so that more and more people want to buy it.

That is no doubt that the poster is successful. Although it looks not too words and also not too decoration, it attracts us. Although I always do not like to drink it, now I want to taste it.

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