
The analysis of a Razor advertisement

 昵称22740887 2015-06-23
                                    The analysis of a Razor advertisement

At first look, we can see the monkey in the left and a handsome man in the right, their face look like the same. At the lower left corner, we can see the sign of a razor and there is a sentence:” Brings out the human in man. Braun Series 1”. At the lower right corner, we can see the brand trademark of the razor company. If we see more carefully, we can notice the clock number besides the head. The number indicates the high efficiency of the product. The poster uses the frontal angle and at eye level, so that we can see the difference between the monkey and the man clearly. After using the product, the monkey turn into a handsome man with a smiling face. The further has disappeared. The target audience is the man, who wants to clean the face quickly and have a good effect. I think the poster’ s design is very creative and it will take effects to the sale.


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