
My Understanding of Media Literacy

 昵称22776174 2015-06-28
 My Understanding of Media Literacy
       Undoubtedly, the media literacy is a new concept for more of chinese university students,as well as me.Therefore,my understanding of the media literacy is an ability to know and use the mass media.At the same time,it is also a person's attitudes towards the mass media.
       Now we are in a multimedia era,so I  think it is very important and neccessary for us to improve our media literacy.
       Because the media literacy is great important for all of us,so I think it is very neccesary for us to accept media literacy education and I believe that we can benefit from it. As far as I am concern, learning the media literacy can improve my selection ability for all kinds of difference information.what'smore, it helps me to deepen the understanding of media information, and In a way it also helps me to creative the media information.

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