

 浮生难得半日闲 2015-09-25
1.Method To My Madness: 装疯卖傻的行为
Strange or crazy actions that appear meaningless but in the end are done for a good reason.
2. All Greek to me:我一无所知
Meaningless and incomprehensible like someone who cannot read, speak, or understand any of the Greek language would be.
3. Bend Over Backwards: 竭尽全力
Do whatever it takes to help. Willing to do anything.
4. Between A Rock And A Hard Place: 进退两难
Stuck between two very bad options.
5. Bite Off More Than You Can Chew: 贪多吃不消
To take on a task that is way to big.
6.Bite Your Tongue:闭嘴(别跟我胡扯)
To avoid talking.
7.Blood Is Thicker Than Water: 血浓于水
The family bond is closer than anything else.
8.Blue Moon: 千载难逢的时机
A rare event or occurance.
9.Full Monty: 一应俱全
This idiom can mean either, "the whole thing" or "completely nude".
10. Method To My Madness: 装疯卖傻的行为
Strange or crazy actions that appear meaningless but in the end are done for a good reason.
11. New York Minute: 纽约时刻(比喻生活节奏快,时间短)
A minute that seems to go by quickly, especially in a fast paced environment.
  12. Queen Bee蜂王(指社交广的人)
13. Quitters never win; winners never quit胜利者永不退缩,退缩者永无胜利
14. Question of time 仅是时间问题
15.Back Seat Driver: 后座司机(指越俎代庖之人)
People who criticize from the sidelines, much like someone giving unwanted advice from the back seat of a vehicle to the driver.
16.Barking Up The Wrong Tree: 搞错对象了
A mistake made in something you are trying to achieve.
17.Blood Is Thicker Than Water: 血浓于水
The family bond is closer than anything else.
18. Flea Market: 跳骚市场(旧货和廉价商品市场)
A swap meet. A place where people gather to buy and sell inexpensive goods.
19.Fools' Gold: 愚人金(指像有价值但实际不值钱的东西)
Iron pyrites, a worthless rock that resembles real gold.
20.French Kiss: 法式接吻
An open mouth kiss where tongues touch.
21.Go The Extra Mile: 多作一点
Going above and beyond whatever is required for the task at hand.
22.In Your Face: 针锋相对
An aggressive and bold confrontation.
23. It's A Small World:这个世界很小!
You frequently see the same people in different places.
24. Its Anyone's Call: 还不知鹿死谁手。
A competition where the outcome is difficult to judge or predict.
25. Raincheck: 改期再请
An offer or deal that is declined right now but willing to accept later.
26. Rule Of Thumb: 粗略估计
A rough estimate.
27. Sitting Shotgun: 挡炮筒
Riding in the front passenger seat of a car.
  28. Spitting Image: 一个模子打出来的
The exact likeness or kind.
  29. The Bigger They Are The Harder They Fall: 爬得高,摔得重
While the bigger and stronger opponent might be alot more difficult to beat, when you do they suffer a much bigger loss.
  30. The Last Straw: 忍耐极限
When one small burden after another creates an unbearable situation, the last straw is the last small burden that one can take.
  31. Third times a charm: 好事在后头
After no success the first two times, the third try is a lucky one.
  32. To Make A Long Story Short:长话短说
Something someone would say during a long and boring story in order to keep his/her audience from losing attention. Usually the story isn't shortened.
  33. Van Gogh's ear for music: 五音不全
Tone deaf.
  34. Variety Is The Spice Of Life: 有变化生活才能丰富多彩 The more experiences you try the more exciting life can be.
  35. Wag the Dog: 大事化小,小事化了
A diversion away from something of greater importance.
  36. Water Under The Bridge: 似水流年
Anything from the past that isn't significant or important anymore.
37. Wear Your Heart On Your Sleeve: 畅所欲言
To openly and freely express your emotions.
38. Wild and Woolly: 茹毛饮血
Uncultured and without laws.
  39. You Are What You Eat: 健康是吃出来的
In order to stay healthy you must eat healthy foods.
40. You Can't Take it With You:生不带来,死不带去
Enjoy what you have and not what you don't have, since when you die you cannot take things (such as money) with you.
41. Zero Tolerance: 零容忍
No crime or law breaking big or small will be overlooked.

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