
每日读报: 欧洲难民危机

 Jaja16 2015-09-27


Austria (奥地利) says it can't keep this up much longer. Germany says it can't, either.

After absorbing (吸收) more than 12,000 refugees (难民), Austria wants to see a gradual reduction (逐步减少) in the numbers of refugees coming through (经过), Austrian Chancellor (<德国、奥地利>总理) Werner Faymann said.

'We have always said this is an emergency situation (紧急状况), which we have to handle (处理) quickly and humanely (人道地),' Faymann said Sunday. 'We have helped more than 12,000 people in an acute (严峻的) situation. We must now step by step (逐步地) go from emergency measures (措施) to a normality (常态) that is humane and complies with (遵从) the law.'

The United Nations' refugee agency (难民机构), UNHCR, estimates (估计) that 366,402 refugees and migrants (移民) have crossed the Mediterranean Sea (地中海) to Europe this year, with 2,800 dead or missing. Those who make the crossing face uncertain (不确定度) futures in European nations (欧洲国家), which differ in (在...方面不同) their approach (方式) to asylum seekers (寻求庇护者).

Austria's border (边界; 边界地区) with Hungary (匈牙利) remains open to potential (潜在的) refugees, Austrian Interior Ministry spokesman (内政部发言人) Alexander Marakovits said Sunday, and packed (拥挤的) buses and trains continued to arrive.

Despite (尽管) the government's desire to curb (抑制; 控制) migrant flow, there has been an outpouring of (流露; 倾泻) support from Austrians. Many have brought food and water and cheered for (支持) the refugees pouring onto the platform (站台) at Vienna's train station.

The Austrian Red Cross (红十字会) has also been on hand (到场,出席,在场) to provide medical supplies (医药用品) and warm blankets (毯子).

One recent arrival (到来者), standing with his two daughters, told CNN of the family's difficult journey through Hungary.

'We went through (经历) a torture (折磨),' he said. 'We walked 110 kilometers (68 miles) with the children. They didn't allow us to take cars or trains.'

But the Hungarian people, he said, 'were very nice. We arrived here safely, and we are comfortable here, and we like the people and the government of Austria.'

Most of the arrivals in Austria intend to (打算) travel farther into Europe, however. Of the thousands who have arrived there this weekend, only a dozen or so (大约) have opted to (选择) apply for asylum (申请避难许可) there, the country's Interior Ministry said.


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