

 普朗雄鹰 2015-10-07

  烧饼 clay oven rolls

  油条 fried bread stick

  韭菜盒 fried leek dumplings

  馒头 steamed buns

  包子 steamed stuffed buns

  割包 steamed sandwich

  饭团 rice and vegetable roll

  蛋饼 plain omelette

  煎饼果子 savory Chinese crepes

  咸鸭蛋 salted duck egg

  腐乳 preserved bean curd

  咸菜 pickles

  豆浆 soybean milk


  稀饭 congee

  白饭 plain white rice

  油饭 glutinous oil rice

  糯米饭 glutinous rice

  卤肉饭 braised pork rice

  蛋炒饭 egg fried rice

  酱油炒饭 fried rice with soy sauce

  地瓜粥 sweet potato congee

  小米粥 millet congee

  麦片粥 porridge


  打卤面 noodles with gravy

  阳春面 plain noodles

  馄饨面 wonton and noodles

  刀削面 sliced noodles

  麻辣面 spicy hot noodles

  麻酱面 sesame paste noodles

  凉面 cold noodles

  凉皮 cold rice noodles

  乌冬面 udon noodles

  榨菜肉丝面 pork noodle soup with pickled mustard green

  牡蛎细面 dyster thin noodles

  热干面 hot dry noodles

  重庆小面 Chongqing spicy noodles

  牛肉拉面 hand-pulled noodles with beef

  板条 flat noodles

  米粉 rice noodles

  炒米粉 fried rice noodles

  冬粉 green bean noodle


  鱼丸汤 fish ball soup

  贡丸汤 meat ball soup

  蛋花汤 egg and vegetable soup

  蛤蜊汤 clams soup

  牡蛎汤 oyster soup

  紫菜汤 seaweed soup

  酸辣汤 sweet and sour soup

  西红柿鸡蛋汤 tomato and egg soup

  青菜豆腐汤 tofu and vegetable soup

  馄饨汤 wonton soup

  猪肠汤 pork intestine soup

  肉羹汤 pork thick soup

  鱿鱼汤 squid soup

  花枝羹 squid thick soup


  爱玉 vegetarian gelatin

  糖葫芦 sugar-coated fruit crispy

  红豆牛奶冰 red bean with milk ice

  芝麻糊 sesame paste

  豆花 tofu pudding

  奶昔 milk-shake

  银耳莲子汤 white fungus soup with lotus seeds

  双皮奶 milk custard

  蛋挞 egg tart

  苹果派 apple pie

  提拉米苏 tiramisu

  芒果慕斯 mango mousse

  蝴蝶酥 butterfly cracker

  多纳圈 donuts

  拿破仑蛋糕 Napoleon cake


  甘蔗汁 sugar cane juice

  酸梅汁 plum juice

  杨桃汁 star fruit juice

  橘子汁 orange juice

  椰子汁 coconut milk

  芦荟汁 asparagus juice

  葡萄柚汁 grapefruit juice

  姜汁汽水 ginger ale

  可口可乐 coco-cola (coke)

  奶茶 milk tea

  绿茶 green tea

  红茶 black tea

  茉莉花茶jasmine tea

  柠檬茶 lemon tea

  苏打水 soda water

  大麦茶 barley tea

  冬瓜茶 white gourd tea


  牡蛎煎 oyster omelet

  臭豆腐 stinky tofu (smelly tofu)

  糖炒栗子 sugar roasted chestnuts

  烤红薯 baked sweet potato

  爆米花 popcorn

  虾片 prawn cracker

  虾球 shrimp balls

  春卷 spring rolls

  蛋卷 egg rolls

  锅巴 crispy rice

  碗糕 salty rice pudding

  豆干 dried tofu

  绿豆糕 mung bean cake

  糯米糕 glutinous rice cakes

  萝卜糕 fried white radish patty

  芋头糕 taro cake

  汤圆 sweet soup balls

  年糕 rice cake

  水饺 boiled dumplings

  锅贴 pan-fried dumplings

  烧麦 shumai

  肉夹馍 Chinese hamburger

  卤煮 stewed pork offal

  麻团 fried sesame glutinous rice ball

  麻花 fried dough twists

  烤串 kebab

  关东煮 oden



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