
4 Roles of Advertising | Rey Belen

 昵称22770457 2015-11-08
What is Marketing?

What is Marketing?

Many people are confused on what marketing really is. First of, let us define what is not marketing. Selling is not marketing. Often, people think that mere selling is marketing. But selling is an important part of marketing. Others think that advertising is marketing. That promoting the product, service or…

July 22, 2012

In 'Marketing'

Marketing vs Public Relations vs Advertising

Marketing vs Public Relations vs Advertising

People get confused as to the difference and similarities of the three activities. Marketing is different from Public Relations. So is Advertising different from Public Relations. Same thing goes with Public Relations and Advertising, that though people might look to it similarly, but the two are different. In this article,…

July 22, 2012

In 'Advertising'

9 Major Types of Advertising

Brand Advertising - most commonly seen type of advertising wherein brands (products / services) make an effort to establish long term identity or image in the minds of its target (branding). Retail or Local Advertising - advertising done by local stores that directly states availability of product or services. This…

February 12, 2012

In 'Advertising'

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