

 徒步者的收藏 2015-11-14


原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www. 翻译:duangduang 转载请注明出处

India’shuge need for electricity is a problem for the planet


CHOWKIPUR, INDIA— Dusk descends on a village in the eastern Indian state of Bihar as residents start their evening chores. Women walkin a line, balancing packets of animal fodder on their heads. Others lead theirwater buffalo home before dinner.


Overhead loom bare utility poles — builtbut never wired for electricity — casting long shadows across the landscape.


Of the world’s 1.3 billion people wholive without access to power, a quarter — about 300 million — live inrural India in states suchas Bihar. Nighttime satellite images of thesprawling subcontinent show the story: Vast swaths of the country still lie indarkness.



原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www. 翻译:duangduang 转载请注明出处

Jim Asbury
11/10/2015 11:53 PM GMT+0800
I do not believe that building a vastelectric generating infrastructure is the best way to solve this issue. Thesolar power option addressed on a individual level will cost less and becleaner. The Germans have done it, why not India?


[copy]Mohan Damodaran
11/9/2015 5:11 PM GMT+0800
It is ironical that in the developed worlda family of four having four cars, four Fridges... that is our of everythingshould expect a country with 300 million people w/o electricity to be moreaccountable for GH gas emissions. It is like a merc owner holding a poor mopedowner responsible for the pollution control! Hypocracy of the developed westernworld is simply unmatched...


11/9/2015 8:34 AM GMT+0800
The global community should, at the veryleast, explore subsidizing part of the cost of
solar and/or wind energy devices tomitigate incremental CO2 emissions being added to our burden.


Keith Jordan
11/9/2015 5:34 AM GMT+0800
Carbon and Carbon Dioxide are very naturalsubstances, and I'm not worried about them. I am not a global warming nut!


11/9/2015 4:52 PM GMT+0800
Hey Keith, it's hard not to offend yougiven your moronic comment.


11/9/2015 11:06 AM GMT+0800
Actually, the ugly truth is that they aresentencing their own future generations to poverty. Millenials seem too selfabsorbed to have children, but nonetheless some of them will by impulse,accident, or the desire to preserve their own precious DNA. They shouldconsider this.


Marie Arouet
11/9/2015 4:23 AM GMT+0800
Most of China's electricity is use forindustrial production rather than personal consumption. These industrialproducts are shipped to the rest of the world including India. Theseindustrial consumption and carbon emission should therefore be counted againstconsumption nations not producing nations like China.


11/9/2015 4:54 PM GMT+0800 [Edited]
Many countries (like the Nordic's) havestarted to count their emissions including those of imported goods. You'reright, but US is so far behind caring about its own emissions needs to happenfirst.


11/9/2015 4:19 AM GMT+0800
1. India needs to institute intensivepopulation control initiatives and increase solar power. 2. The developingcountries are correct in saying that the 1st world countries need to diminishtheir use of fossil fuels to counteract developing countries' efforts to bringelectricity to their populations (and these nations in turn must control theirpopulation growth).


11/9/2015 4:33 AM GMT+0800 [Edited]
The statement that '... the 1st worldcountries need to diminish their use of fossil fuels ...' requiresclarification. Diminishing the use of fossil fuels may have the effect ofreducing the production of iPads, TVs, cars, and other manufactured goods.Reducing the availability of manufactured goods may mean a reduction in yourstandard of living.
(Of course, to a degree, manufacturing canbe made more eco-friendly, but at a certain unknown point improvements may nolonger be possible.)



11/9/2015 4:18 AM GMT+0800
I am waiting for the armchair liberals toenthusiastically endorse nuclear technology for India. Or is their approach goingto be we got ours, let them sit in the dark?


11/9/2015 3:59 AM GMT+0800
Think of what the $587 million thetaxpayers last on Solyndra could have done to help the people of India. Whydoesn't Tom Steyer give his millions to help Africans without electricityinstead of to wind power for his rich friends in San Francisco?

想象一下纳税人浪费在Solyndra公司的那5.87亿美元可以给印度人民提供多少帮助。为什么Tom Steyer不把自己的钱花在帮助无电可用的非洲人身上,而是给他在旧金山的富人朋友提供风力发电?

11/9/2015 3:56 AM GMT+0800
100% of India's electricity could beprovided by solar power. With the deforestation and global warming, India's issueis too much sun and too much heat. Both are addressed by solar power. Add intechnology like Tesla's battery tech, easily transported to India, allowsfor storage of the solar power.
It also helps India which would otherwise have toimport billions in fossil fuels.
Solar also helps India as it does not require a nationaldistribution system.
The shade provided by solar panels on roofscuts down not the AC needs.


11/9/2015 4:06 AM GMT+0800
While India does import oil, it's usedfor cars, not for power generation. India relies heavily on coalinstead and is the world's largest miner of coal. The current 20% it importswill be at zero in three years.
Your solutions may work 35 years from now,but people need power now.
We should put people before politicalcorrectness.


11/9/2015 5:00 PM GMT+0800
@Eagles: You are right about solar butstorage isn't economical. The Tesla battery is a normal battery plus hype.Heating/Cooking is better done with wood, a renewable when forests are managedproperly.


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