
India sues the Queen for return of 'stolen' £100m diamond

 3gzylon 2015-11-15


2015-11-11 14:42China DailyEditor: Yao Lan

印度起诉英女王 要求英国归还光之山钻石

Koh-i-Noor: India sues the Queen for return of 'stolen' £100m diamond

It was once the world's largest-known diamond, is worth a reported £100m and is currently part of Britain's crown jewels.


But India wants it back.


Bollywood stars and businessmen have united to instruct lawyers to begin legal proceedings in London's High Court to return the Koh-i-Noor diamond.

宝莱坞(largest-known diamond,)一众影星和多名商人联合委托律师,向伦敦高等法院(London's High Court)提起诉讼,要求归还光之山钻石(Koh-i-Noor).

The diamond was in the crown worn by the Queen Mother at the coronation of her husband King George VI in 1937 and again at Queen Elizabeth's coronation in 1953.

伊丽莎白王太后出席1937年丈夫乔治六世国王(King George VI)和1953年女儿伊丽莎白女王(Queen Elizabeth)的加冕礼时,头上佩戴的王冠就镶嵌了光之山钻石.

The group, which has called itself the "Mountain of Light" after the translation of the stone's name, say that the 105-carat diamond was stolen from its true home in India and are demanding that the UK Government returns it.

诉讼团体以钻石的英文译名Mountain of Light(以下称"光之山")自称.他们称,这颗重105克拉的钻石是从其故乡印度盗走的,要求英国政府归还光之山钻石.

The stone is "one of the many artefacts taken from India under dubious circumstances", according to David de Souza from the Indian leisure group Tito's.

印度旅游休闲公司Tito's的戴维·德·苏扎(David de Souza)表示,这颗钻石只是"在可疑的情形下流失的众多印度文物之一."

Souza claims the British colonisation of India had stolen wealth and "destroyed the country's psyche".


The jewel was given to the reigning Queen of the time by the last ruler of the Sikhs, Duleep Singh, after the British annexe of the Punjab.

英国将印度的旁遮普邦(Punjab)吞并后,印度最后一位锡克大君达立普·辛格(Duleep Singh)将光之山钻石进献给了当时在位的英国女王.

Bollywood star Bhumicka Singh, also part of the group, said: "The Koh-i-noor is not just a 105-carat stone, but part of our history and culture and should undoubtedly be returned."

宝莱坞影星布米卡·辛格(Bhumicka Singh)也是这个诉讼团体的成员,她表示:"光之山不只是一颗105克拉的钻石,还是印度历史和文化的一部分.英国无疑应当归还."


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