

 老愚公智叟 2015-11-23

太极拳的五行是指:木火土金水五行,在拳法中引申为五方即:木行:东方, 火行:南方;土行:中央;金行:西方;水行:北方。若练拳时面南而立,就有木左,火南, 土中,金西,水北的五方划分。即:木-左顾,火-前进; 金-右盼,水-后退;土-中定。

The five elements of TaiChi means: wood, fire, metal and water, lead to deeper meaning they are: wood, east, fire,south,earth,center, metal,west,water,north. so if face south practice Tai Chi, wood,left,fire south, earth, center, metal west, water,north.total five directions, which are: wood-left watch, metal right look, fire-foreward,water-backward; earth-center steady.


Tai Chi's 8 principles means 8movements lead to deeper means Bagua's 8 images, because TaiChi born 2 yi(yin and yang), 2 yi born 4 appearances, 4appearances born Ba gua(8images)'1,Qian: lie;2Dui:Ji,3,Li: Pi;4,Zhen:Peng;5,Xun:Kao;6,Kan:An;7,Gen:Zhou;8,Kun:Cai.

八卦与五行的关系:The relationships ofBaguawith 5 elements:

根据传统八卦理论八个卦象引申的五行含义为:Tradiitonal Bagua theory also include 5 elements meaning:

  乾:天健父马头脑南西北金111U 2630 Qian means: sky, father,hourse,head,northwest,metal etc.,

兑:泽悦少女羊口肺东南西金110U 2631 Dui means: lake, happy, young girl, goat, mouth, south-east, metal etc,.

离:火丽中女雉目胆囊东南火101U 2632 Li means: fire, beautiful, middle girl, eye, gallbladder, southeast, fire etc,.

震:雷动长男龙足心东北东木100U 2633 Zhen means: thunder old boy,dragon, feet, heart, north-east wood etc,.

巽风入长女鸡股肝西南东南木011U 2634 Xun means: wind, old girl, chicken, liver, southeast, wood etc,.

坎:水陷中男豕耳肾西北水010U 2635 Kan means: water sink, middle boy, pig, ear, kidney water north etc.,

艮:山止少男狗手胃西北东北土001U 2636 Gen means: mountain, young boy, dog, hand, stomach, northeast, earth etc.,

坤:地顺母牛腹脾北西南土000U 2637 Kun means: earth, follow, cow, abdomen, spleen, southwest, earth etc.,


hence, Tai Chi 5 elements have very tight relationship with Bagua 8 images(8 principles)which total are 13forms.

附:阴阳理论与 太极劲的关系及应用图解

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