

 Confucius365 2015-11-25

If human beings had genuine courage, they’d wear their costumes everyday of the year, not just on Halloween.

——Douglas Coupland

Halloween其实是 “All Hallows’ Evening”的缩写,也称作Allhalloween,或Hallows’ Eve,或All Saints’ Eve。光从名字看,其实它和“装神弄鬼”没有半毛钱关系,它是西方基督教All Hallows’ Day(天下圣徒之日)的前一晚(10月31日)。所以中文翻译成“万圣节”是不准确的,应当是“万圣节前夜”。

Halloween origins in the Roman feast of Pomona, the goddess of fruits and seeds, or in the festival of the dead called Parentalia, it is more typically linked to the Celtic festival of Samhain', which comes from the Old Irish for 'summer's end'. Samhain was the first and most important of the four quarter days in the medieval Gaelic calendar and was celebrated in Ireland, Scotland and the Isle of Man.”(万圣节前夜起源于罗马的Pomona节,Pomona是水果和种子的女神,或者是叫做Parentalia的死神节,但万圣节前夜更可能和凯尔特人的Samhain节有关,Samhain在古爱尔兰语里意为“夏日的结束”。 Samhain是在中世纪的凯尔特人的日历里第四季度中第一个也是最重要的节日,通常爱尔兰、苏格兰和英属地曼岛的人会庆祝这个节日。)维基百科是这样解释的。




美国国家广播电台的一篇文章说道“For Halloween 2014, the National Retail Federation predicts, some 75 million adults will put on costumes. Adults have hijacked Halloween. Two in three adults feel Halloween is a holiday for them and not just kids.” (美国零售业联合会预测2014年的Halloween,会有7500万成年人穿上万圣节的奇装异服。成年人绑架了Halloween。三个成年人里两个人都会觉得这是他们的而非只是孩子的节日。)回想在芝加哥的几年,的确发现,提着南瓜篮子,穿着彼得潘或小怪兽的服装,挨家挨户 “trick or treating”要糖果的孩子越来越少。反倒是化妆成各种怪异恐怖又逼真的鬼怪的成年人越来越多,难怪我一个美国朋友也不得不承认,任何节日,在美国年轻人眼里,不过是找个借口“have fun and drink”。文章里说“Adults have hijacked Halloween, hijack(绑架)这个词用得倒是贴切。

Halloween也给美国人惹过麻烦。“the pranks turned more sinister, and by the 1930s, young people of many origins were threatening to vandalize stores and homes. On Halloween in 1933, at the height of the Great Depression, hundreds of young men overturned automobiles, sawed down telephone poles, and taunted police. ”(到20世纪30年代,恶作剧变得险恶起来,来自很多地方的年轻人威胁要去破坏商店和住家。1933年的Halloween, 正是大萧条最严重的时候,数以百计的年轻人掀翻汽车,锯断电话杆,并且嘲弄警察。)

Halloween的经典口号“trick or treating”(“不给糖果就捣蛋”),在这儿有了讽刺的味道。从学英语的角度,有两个词值得记下。“prank”指 “a playful but foolish trick, not intended to harm”,即无恶意的恶作剧; “taunt” 指 “try to make someone angry or upset by making unkind remarks, laughing at faults or failures”,即指故意挑事儿、嘲弄、激怒某人。如果说prank是无伤大雅的玩笑,那么taunt就是故意找抽儿的挑衅了。


“Twentieth-century consumerism — candy and costumes and decorations — helped reduce the vandalism. So Halloween became less of an adolescent night and more of a kiddie night.” 这样看来,二十世纪的消费者主义(糖果、服装和装饰品)帮助减少了以前那种破坏行为,所以说现在的Halloween少了以前那种愤青劲儿,反倒更充满了孩子气。

1962年芝加哥的一场Halloween化妆舞会吸引了600个成年人,他们穿着奇装,伴着爵士乐跳舞(A 1962 Halloween bal masque in Chicago drew 600 adults, decked out in costumes and dancing to jazz music)。

Halloween in Chicago.--Pic from Interet

而华盛顿D.C.的Halloween由于它特殊的政治地位而充满了对政客戏谑的调侃。我记得当初在华府实习,办公室的窗户就对着主干道Pennsylvania Ave.。在这条大道上,常年有各种游行队伍,虽然有时是正儿八经的示威游行,但大多数时候我更认为那些穿着花花绿绿、举着各种奇怪诉求标语的队伍,更像是嘉年华的狂欢。

“Washington, D.C., has a long tradition of otherwise mature people hiding behind goofy masks and expecting free stuff. One memorable Halloween, in 1997, adults dressed in costume and stood outside the White House as the President Bill Clinton 'Investigation Committee'. Outfitted as ghouls, prisoners and the first couple, the group members gave out candy and fake money and posed for bemused tourists.”(华盛顿D.C.的传统是那些成熟的大人将自己藏在滑稽的面具之后,去期待所谓自由的东西。1997年的Halloween令人难忘,成年人把自己装扮起来,站在白宫门前,扮做调查总统Bill Clinton的“调查委员会”。他们扮作丧尸、囚犯和总统夫妇,这些人到处散发糖果和假钱,在困惑的游客面前狂摆造型。)

White House's Halloween Decorations.---Pic from Internet.

也许,正如Douglas Coupland所说,正是因为缺乏勇气,所以我们热衷于Halloween,躲在恐怖的面具之后,借着酒精的狂欢和荒唐的恶作剧,才敢流露出那个真实的自我。


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