

 闹做脑袋 2015-11-26

大卫·霍克斯(David Hawks),英国人,生于1923年,1945至1947年间于牛津大学研读中文,1948至1951年间为北京大学研究生,1959至1971年间于牛津大学担任中文教授,1973至1983年间成为牛津大学All Souls学院的研究员。曾为此学院的荣誉研究员。霍克斯,1923年7月6日——2009年7月31日,享年86岁。 
人名 译名 大意 
警幻仙姑 the fairy Disenchantment disenchantment觉醒 
晴雯 Skybright 天晴 
袭人 Aroma 芳香,香味 
麝月 Musk 麝香(让我联想到风湿膏之类的东西) 
秋纹 Ripple 波浪,涟漪 
茜雪 Snowpink 
Soldanella/Citronella/Number Four 
碧痕 Emerald 祖母绿,翠绿色 
小红 Crimson 深红色(乍一看还以为和crime什么的相关) 
佳蕙 Melilot 草木樨 
坠儿 Trinket 小装饰物 
春燕 Swallow 
柳五儿 Fivey 老五? 
茗烟 Tealeaf 茶叶? 
雪雁 Snowgoose 雪雁,雪鹅 
紫鹃 Nightingale 夜莺,歌鸲 
香菱 Caltrop 蒺藜,矢车菊 
莺儿 Oriole 黄鹂,金莺 
宝蟾 Moonbeam 月光 
靛儿 Prettikins ? 
翠缕 Kingfisher 翠鸟 
素云 Candida (英语词典中找不到对应的。拉丁语candidus白,纯洁) 
妙玉 Adamantina 金刚(妙姐就是与众不同) 
鸳鸯 Faithful 忠诚的 
琥珀 Amber 琥珀 
傻大姐 Simple 愚蠢的? 
平儿 Patience 容忍,耐心(夹缝中生存) 
丰儿 Felicity 巨大幸福 
兴儿 Joker (的确很逗乐) 
旺儿 Brightie ? 
彩明 Sunshine 
秋桐 Autumn 
善姐 Mercy 
彩云 Suncloud 太阳云? 
彩霞 Sunset 日落,晚霞 
金钏 Golden 金的 
玉钏 Silver 银的(为什么不是玉的) 
抱琴 Lutany ?(lute鲁特琴) 
司棋 Chess 
侍书 Scribe 抄写员 
入画 Picture 
绣桔 Tangerine 柑橘 
翠墨 Ebony 乌黑色 
琪官 Bijou 珠宝首饰(这些X官的名字好像都是法语词) 
文官 Elegante 优雅 
宝官 Trésor ?(和英语的treasure相似) 
玉官 Topaze 黄玉 
龄官 Charmante 迷人 
Parfumée/Yelu Hunni/Aventurin/Glassy or Glass-eyes 
蕊官 Etamine 纱罗 
藕官 Nenuphar 睡莲 
荳官 Cardamome 豆蔻 
艾官 Artemisie 蒿属植物? 
茄官 Aubergine 紫茄子 
菂官 Pivoine 牡丹?(“菂”是莲子的意思) 
卍儿 Swastika 卍字符(会不会让西方人联想到SS) 
瑞珠 Gem 宝石 
宝珠 Jewel 宝石 
云儿 Nuageuse 云(法语) 
娇杏 Lucky 侥幸 
智能 Sapientia 智慧? 
多浑虫 "Droopy Duo" 萎靡多? 
多姑娘 "the Mattress" 床垫(这个真邪恶) 
It was Bao-yu who was responsible for the curious name "Aroma".Discovering that Pearl's surname was Hua,which means "Flowers",and having recently come across the line 
The flowers' aroma breathes of hotter days 
in a book of poems,he told his grandmother that he wanted to call his new maid "Aroma". 
In the inner room Bao-yu took up a book and reclined on the kang to read.For a considerable while he remained engrossed in his reading.When eventually he did look up,intending to ask some one for some tea,he saw two little maids waiting there in silence,one of whom-evidently the older by a year or two -was an attractive,intemgent looking girl.He addressed himself to her:"Isn't your name 'Nella' something or other?" 
"Citronella?Who on earth gave you that name?" 
"Aroma,sir.My real name is 'Soldanella',but Miss Aroma altered it to 'Citronella'." 
"I don't know why she didn't call you 'Citric Acid' and have done with it,"said Bao-yu."Citronella! -How many girls are there in your family,Citronella?" 
"Four,"said Citronella. 
"And which of the four are you?" 
"I'm the youngest." 
"Right!"said Bao-yu."in future you will be called Four.We're not going to have any more of these floral fragrances around here.It's an insult to decent scents and flowers to give their names to you lot." 
Presently,when they were visiting Green Delights,Caltrop,Lovey and Dove were very much amused to hear Bao-yu addressing Parfumee as "Yelu Hunni".Having elicited from her how she came to have acquired so extraordinary a name,they began to try using it themselves;but in their unpractised mouths the foreign sounds soon degenerated into "Yellow Honey";and even this was soon abandoned in favour of "Yellow Belly".The maids,hearing them call her this,were all in stitches.Bao-yu feared that Parfumee would be wounded by their hilarity and proposed yet another change of name. 
"There is a land in the West called 'Fran-see-ya' where they make a kind of golden glitter-glass called 'aventurin'.You are such a bright and glittering person yourself: I think the name Aventurin would suit you very well." 
Parfumee was delighted with it.But it was still no good:the others found "Aventurin" too difficult;and having established that it was the name of some kind of foreign glass,soon took to calling her "Glassy" or "Glass-eyes" instead. 

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