

 杂谈婚姻 2015-12-01

commodious a 宽敞的 =com+modious(measure)

commodity n 商品 =commod(convenient)+ity

commonplace a 平常的=common+place

commonsense a 具有常识的 =common+sense

commonwealth n 共和国,联邦 =common+wealth

commotion n 骚动,动乱 =com+motion

communal a 全体共用的,共享的 =com+munal

commune n 公社 v 与某人亲密交谈 =com+mun+e

communicate v 传送信息,沟通 =com+mun+ic+ate

commute v 交换;坐公交车上下班 =com+mut+e

compact a 结实的;简洁的;n 合同,协议 =com+pact

companion  n 同伴,同伙;受雇的陪伴人 =com+pan+ion  ~compaign

comparison n 比较,对照;比喻 =com+par+ison

compartment n 隔间,车厢 =com+part+ment

compass n 指南针;界限,范围 =com+pass(pace)

compassion n 同情,怜悯 =com+pass+ion

compassionate a 有同情心的 =com+pass+ion+ate

compatible a 和谐共处的,相容的 =com+pat+ible

compatriot n 同胞,同国人 =com+patriot

compel v 强迫 =com+pel

compelling a 引起兴趣的=compel+ling

compendium n 简要,概略 =com+pend(ponder)+ium

compensate v 补偿,赔偿 =com+pens+ate

compensatory a 补偿性的,报酬的 =com+pes+at+ory

compete v 竞争,对抗 =com+pete (source of English petition, appetite, impetus,and repeat).

competence n 胜任,能力 =com+pet+ence

compile v 汇集;编辑 =com+pile

complacency n 满足,安心 =com+plac+ency

complacent a 自满的,得意的 =com+plac+ent

complaisance  n 彬彬有礼,殷勤,柔顺 =com+plais+ance

complaisant a 顺从的,讨好的 =com+plais+ant

complementary a 互补的 =comple(fill)+ment+ary

compliance n 顺从,遵从 =compli+ance   ~comply

compliant a 服从的,顺从的 =compli+ant

complicate v 使某事复杂化 =complic(complex)+ate

compliment n/v 恭维,称赞 =compli+ment

comply v 遵循,顺从 =com+ply

component n 成分,零部件 =compon(compose)+ent

compose v 写,创作;组成 =com+pose

composed a 镇定的,沉着的 =compos+ed

composer n 作曲家 =compos+er

compost n 混合肥料,堆肥 =com+post

composure n 镇静,沉着;自若 =com+pos+ure

compound n 复合物;v 搀和 =com+pound

comprehend v 理解;包括 =com+pre+hend(hand)

comprehensible a 能充分理解的 =comprehens+ible

comprehensive a 全面的,综合的 =comprehens+ive

compress v 压缩,浓缩 =com+press

compromise v 妥协;危害 =com+promise

compulsion  n 强迫;难以抗拒的冲动 =com+puls (pel)+ion

compunction n 懊悔,良心不安 =com+punct(prick)+ion

concatenate v 连结;连锁 =con+caten(chain)+ate

concave a 凹的 =con+cave

conceal v 隐藏,隐瞒 =con+ceal(kel:hide)

concede v 承认(为正确);让步 =con+cede

conceit    n 自负,自大 =con+ceit 

conceive v 想像,构想;怀孕 =con+ceive  receive

concentrate v 集中,浓缩=con+centr+ate

conception n 概念;开始 =con+cept+ion

concerto n 协奏曲 =concert+o

concession n 让步 =con+cess(cede)+ion

conciliate v 安抚,驯服 =con+cili+ate  ~council

conciliatory a 抚慰的,调和的 =con+cili+at+ory

concise a 简洁的 =con+cise(-cide:to cut)

conclave n 秘密会议 =con+clave

conclusive a 最后的,结论的 =con+clus+ive  ~conclude

concomitant a 伴随而来的 =con+comit+ant

concord n 和睦;公约 =con+cord

concrete a 具体存在的;n 混凝土=con+crete   ~increase

concur v 意见相同,一致 =con+cur   ~occur

concussion    n 脑震荡;强烈震动 =con+cuss+ion  an alteration of quatere ‘shake,

condemn    v 极力谴责;判刑 =con+demn(damn)

condense    v 浓缩 =con+dense   ~density

condescend   v 屈尊,俯就 =con+descend

condescending   a 谦逊的,故意屈尊的 =con+descend+ing

condone     v 宽恕,原谅 =con+done

conducive   a 有助于 =con+duc(duct)+ive

conduct   n 品德,行为 v 领导,引导 =con+duct

conduit    n 渠道,引水道;水管 =con+duit

cone     n 松果;圆锥体 ~hone

confection  n 甜食,糖果 =con+fect+ion

confederacy  n 联盟或同盟 =con+feder+acy

confer     v 讨论,商谈;赠予 =con+fer

conference n 讨论会,协商会 =con+fer+ence

confess v 承认,供认 =con+fess

confide v 信赖,倾诉 =con+fide (faith)

confidence n 信任,自信,信心 =con+fid+ence

confidential a 机密的 =con+fid+ent+ial

configuration n 结构,配置;轮廓 =con+fig+uration

confine v 限制,禁闭 =con+fine  (define)

confirm v 证实,证明 =con+firm

confiscate v 没收;充公 =con+fisc(public treasury)+ate

conflagration n 建筑物或森林大火 =con+flagr+ation

conflate v 合并 =con+flate(flare:blow)

conflict v/n 斗争战斗;冲突,抵触 =con+flict  ~afflict

conform (to)v 符合或遵守公认规则 =con+form

conformist n 尊奉者,英国国教徒 =con+form+ist

conformity n 一致,遵从;顺众 =con+form+ity

confound v 使迷惑,搞混 =con+found

confront v 面临;对抗 =con+front

congeal    v 冻结,凝固 =con+geal (cold)

congenial a 意气相投的;性情好的 =con+geni+al

congest v 使拥挤;充血 =con+gest

conglomerate v 集聚成团 =con+glom+er+ate

congregate v 聚集,集合 =con+greg+ate

congruent a 全等的,一致的 =con+gru+ent (agree)

congruous a 一致的,符合的 =con+gru+ous

conifer n 针叶树

conjecture v/n 推测,臆测 =con+ject+ure

conjoin v 使结合 =con+join

conjunction n 联合;连词 =con+junct+ion

conjure v 恳求,祈求;变魔术 =con+jure

connive v 默许;纵容 =con+nive

connoisseur n 鉴赏家,行家 =con+noiss(recognize notice)+eur

connotation n 言外之意,含蓄义 =con+not+ation

conquer v 以武力征服 =con+quer(acquire)

conquest n 征服;战利品 =con+quest

conscience n 良心,是非感 =con+sci+ence

conscientious  尽责的;小心谨慎的 =con+sci+ent+ious

conscript v 强行征兵,征召 =con+script

consensus n 意见一致 =con+sens(sense)+us

consent v 同意,允许 =con+sent(sense)

consequence n 结果;重要性;价值 =con+sequ+ence

consequential  a 傲慢的,自以为是的 =con+sequent+ial

conservative a 保守的,守旧的 =con+serv+ative

conservatory n 温室;音乐学院 =con+serv+atory

conserve v 保全,保存 =con+serve

considerable a 相当多的;值得考虑的=con+sid+erable Etymologically, it means observe the stars’.

consign v 托运;托人看管 =con+sign

consistency n 一致性;坚实度 =con+sist+ency

consistent a 前后一致的 =con+sist+ent

console v 安慰,抚慰 =con+sol+e ~solace

consolidate v 巩固;(使)坚强;合并 =con+solid+ate

consolidation n 合并,巩固 =con+solid+ation

consonant a 调和的,一致的 =con+son(sound)+ant    sonāre =sound

conspicuous a 显著的,显而易见的 =con+spic(see)+uous

conspiracy n 共谋,阴谋 =con+spir+acy

conspire v 阴谋,共谋 =con+spire   ~spirit

constant a 稳定的,不变的; n 常数 =con+stant  ~consist

constellation n 星座,星群 =con+stell+ation

consternation n 大为吃惊,惊骇 =con+stern+ation

constituent n 成分;选区内的选民 =constit+uent

constitute v 组成,构成;建立 =constit+ute

constitution n 宪法;体质 =constit+ut+ion

constitutional a 章程的;素质上的 =constit+ution+al

constrain v 束缚,强迫;限制 =con+strain(string)

constrained a 束缚的,节制的 =con+strain+ed

constraint n 强制;对感情的压抑 =con+strain+t

constrict v 压缩,收缩 =con+strict(string)

construct v 建筑,构成 =con+struct

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