
School Spirit Ideas

 Hyksos 2015-12-04
The magical years of life are those that we spend in our school. The activities in school, be it a game of soccer with the neighboring school or the inter-school cheerleading competition, all have some amazing sense of spirit and energy in them! School days are the most cherishable days of one's life.

What makes school celebrations and functions unique are the school spirit ideas, that can help you create a unique image for your school and cheer your team. Some schools have their own jingles and some have their own punchlines. The bottom line in all these ideas is to make your school traditions and customs sparkle with colors of vibrancy, dynamism and energy!

Creative Posters!
We know, preparing creative posters is usually used in athletic and sports events, so you can work on similar lines by creating posters for your spirit school event. Like for instance, if your school is participating in an interschool basketball match, then you can create attractive posters with inspirational sayings to boost the moral of the team. You can also write some special names of your team players and cheer them with those names. For football games, use colorful and creative poster decorations with matching colors of your school logo! The signs and messages on those posters should foster a spirit of true sportsmanship and should not offend or hurt the opposition. In any function, school posters in the hands of students are a good way of communicating with the team. You can come up with some creative spirit poster ideas by discussing them with your friends.

Signs that Represent Spirit of School!
By including handheld signs that convey a lot of meaning, you can add a lot of weight to your ideas! These signs are a great form of visual presentation that foster a spirit of friendship and unity. You can use interesting symbols and draw images on cardboard and then carry them to motivate and inspire the team. You can create special themes and spirit songs for sports rallies and other events that represent the spirit of the school.

Organize a Pride Day for Your School!
The students can organize a school pride day and inform all students to wear T-shirts with the school logo on it. Students can also be asked to express their creativity in different forms like painting faces, fingernails, etc. The team heads can announce that students from every grade will be selected by a voting system, and the best 10 will be awarded some prices. To implement this idea, students can talk to their respective class teachers.

Involve Parents!
To strengthen the bond among the parents, teachers, and students, the idea of a family night spirits is phenomenal. Check for restaurants in your locality that offer packages for a combined dinner.

Besides these, you can also incorporate the idea of having 'school spirit week' in which you can allot each day of the week for some special events like 'favorite color day', 'favorite dress day', etc. Come up with creative themes that can make these days special. Lastly, these ideas aim at imparting connectivity and bonding among students; however, if some students are not able to participate in some programs, it shouldn't be made an issue. The student must not feel unwanted and the school must ensure that such students are at least a part of the crowd, or can contribute in some other ways! After all it is a team work and every child is special!!

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