
8 Famous Fictional Games That Everyone Wants to Play

 Hyksos 2015-12-04
Game On!
In Sydney, Australia, and Canterbury, UK, many universities have formed Quidditch teams, that play this game on foot, while using one hand to hold a broom between their legs!
Call us complete nuts, but we, the fans of fiction, cannot help but wish that we could experience, in real life, all the fun, exciting, and even scary adventures of our favorite characters in their respective fictional universes.

Among these are the numerous, wonderful, and exciting fictional games that we so wish we could replicate in the real world. While many of these are impractical and even outright dangerous, there are a few fictional sports which are simply too alluring to let reside in the fantasy world alone.

In the following lines, we list out 8 popular fictional sport games inspired from movies, books, etc., which everyone wants to play, and which we really hope are replicated in the real world.

Calvinball from Calvin and Hobbes

If you are a fan of Bill Watterson's Calvin and Hobbes, you must have certainly wanted to play Calvinball. This mad little game was invented by your favorite character, and mine, Calvin, when he got tired of all the organized sports out there. Needless to say, this game is as unorganized and rebellious as it gets.

Breaking with tradition, in Calvinball, there are no fixed set of rules. Instead, you can make up the rules as you play along. However, no rule can be used twice, and therefore, no game of Calvinball is similar to another.

Unlike other sports, Calvinball players also make use of numerous sporting gears and instruments, such as wickets, volleyballs, mallets, etc. All players must wear Calvinball masks.

Calvinball also cannot and must not be played the same way twice. One Calvinball game may require the players to grab the opponent's flag, while another may need them to score points using badminton shuttlecocks to win.

Clearly, Calvinball is an insane game, that will keep you hooked with its novelty, though its ever changing rules might make it quite impossible to score a win!

Pyramid/Triad from Battlestar Galactica

Pyramid, or Triad, is a popular professional-league sport in the Battlestar universe. It is a close-quarters sport, that is played on a pyramid-shaped court (hence its name).

Pyramid can be pictured as being a hybrid of handball and basketball. It can be enjoyed one-on-one, or as a team sport which requires the players to score points by putting a ball through a goal on the court.

The game imposes certain restrictions on the players' movements, one of which is that, they can take no more than three paces without passing, shooting, or rebounding the ball. Full body contact is allowed, and once a player has been tackled, he/she must pass the ball.

As this futuristic game involves virtually no advanced equipment, Pyramid/Triad can be easily replicated and enjoyed by anyone.

Kosho from The Prisoner

Patrick McGoohan's 17-episode British TV show was clever, not just for its plot, but also for 'Kosho', the extremely fun martial arts game featured in it, which is both fun to watch and to play.

Kosho is played by two players on two trampolines which are set on either side of a 4 foot x 8 foot tank of water. Also, this arena is enclosed on two sides by walls with angled ledges and a hand-rails.

Players wear helmets, along with big boxing gloves on their left hands and a light padded glove on the right one.

The main objective of Kosho is to bounce on the trampolines and make all sorts of moves while attempting to knock or throw the opponent into the tank of water.

With proper safety gear in place, and a good set of rules, Kosho can indeed be one of the most fun sports to play in reality.

Light Cycle Races from Tron

If you have the need for speed, then racing the Light Cycle from the Tron series is the perfect fictional sport that you would want to be able to play in real life.

Light Cycles are extremely fast digital machines that racers use for competing against each other. However, unlike your typical MotoGP, there are more ways of winning than just crossing the finish line first.

Riders can use all sorts of devious tricks and strategies to get their opponents to crash into the walls/ barriers, or have them thrown off the track.

Clearly, it would be disastrous if all this was adopted in a real life version of this game. Perhaps, a virtual reality version of Light Cycles races would be a better choice.

The bottom line is that, racing a Light Cycle would be one of the most thrilling experiences, and be it real or virtual, we just can't wait to enjoy it.

Pod Racing from Star Wars

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, humans and aliens enjoyed the good old sport of pod racing. For those averse to being digitized (Tron), this sport would be the best possible option to satiate one's desire for speed and thrill.

Pod racing involves the use of a tiny anti-gravity pod propelled by massive jet engines to which it is tied. The pod has to be maneuvered through a rocky desert-like terrain. The race track is littered with giant, natural obstacles, such as rock arches, tunnels, etc.

Racers have to zoom through this track at thousands of miles per hour, avoiding the obstacles, and at the same time compete with each other to finish the race first.

Pod racing is a dangerous sport, involving numerous accidents and deaths of racers. Hence, when the rocket engines and anti-gravity pods needed to play this game have been invented, we would also need some rules for racers' safety, and possibly an airbag or something similar to protect the racer if he/she crashes, before we can enjoy this thrilling sport.

Quidditch from Harry Potter

From one of the greatest works of fiction - Harry Potter, comes this exciting sport, which surely every fan of the novels and movies has been longing to play.

Quidditch, the game of the wizard world, is like a combination of soccer, hockey, and basketball, with the slight exception that, unlike these sports, players are mounted on high-speed flying broomsticks.

In Quidditch, points are scored by chucking a medium-sized ball, known as the Quaffle, through one of the opponent's three goals. This is done by riding on broomsticks, while at the same time avoiding getting knocked off by the opponent's defense, who constantly hit a large ball (the Bludger) at your body at knockout speeds.

A game of Quidditch only ends when one player―the seeker―from either team, is able to capture the Golden Snitch, which is a tiny ball with its own intelligence and ability to zip out of sight in an instant. Capturing the snitch earns the seeker's team 150 points, which in most cases results in a victory.

Wizard Chess from Harry Potter

Another fantastic entry from the Harry Potter universe, wizard chess is one game that can already be enjoyed in its animated computerized version. However, if we could somehow manage to turn these virtual replicas into a real game, it would definitely be a site to behold.

Wizard chess appears like normal chess, except that in it, the pieces actually battle with each other on being commanded to do so. The regular-sized version of this game itself is fun to play, but the giant, life-size version, where players actually ride the pieces to battle, is even more impressive.

Rollerball from Rollerball

We certainly hope that, in the future, we shall live in a world where 'wars will no longer exist. But there will be... Rollerball', well, actually a non-violent version of Rollerball would be more preferable.

Rollerball is the name of the film in which a globally popular sport with the same name is showcased. This game comprises two teams of players clad in body armor. Some of these are on roller skates, while others ride motorcycles. These players go around a banked circular track trying to score points by throwing a softball-sized steel ball into a magnetic cone-shaped area inset into the arena walls.

Players are free to attack each other in order to get or maintain possession of the ball and to score goals. Each team has three players on motorcycles, who can latch-on and tow their teammates at increased speeds. The only rule in Rollerball is that, the player in possession of the ball must always hold it in plain view.

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