
【感动故事 - 猩猩媽媽勇救3歲的男童!感動世人的一幕! 猩猩好有靈性....】

 音乐人吧吧小丝 2015-12-07


【感动故事 - 猩猩媽媽勇救3歲的男童!感動世人的一幕! 猩猩好有靈性....】

图文: 网络   编辑: 小丝



1996年8月16 日,一名3歲的男童掉入美國伊利諾州的一所動物園的猩猩欄的水泥地上裡,他因為折斷了手臂,不省人事。

這時一隻 8 歲的母猩猩走近男童,周圍的觀眾都非常的驚恐與無助,企圖用吶喊和尖叫, 驅趕這隻黑猩猩 Binti。

這時另一 更大隻的猩猩也走了過來,Binti開始對它咆哮並阻止它再接近。很快的,Binti用右手把男童抱在懷裡,就像它抱著它的寶寶一樣,還輕輕的拍了拍男童的背部,安撫著已經昏倒男童。

星星救人的视频 :https:///sfC0gyCbpR4

最後Bint把男童抱到18 米遠的猩猩欄入口處,等到著動物園管理員把男童救走。

在過程中,Binti 的 17 個月大寶寶 Koola ,抓著猩猩媽媽 Binti 的背部,陪著媽媽一同救走 男童。而男童事後在醫院康復了, Binti 也因此名聲遠播,成了動物園的明星。

A Heart Opening Real Life Story! [Must Read]

"Binti Jua is a western lowland gorilla female in the BrookfieldZoo, in Brookfield, Illinois. Binti is most well known for anincident which occurred on August 16, 1996, when she was eightyears old.A three-year old boy climbed the wall around her zooenclosure and fell 18 feet onto concrete below, rendering himunconscious with a broken hand and a vicious gash on the side ofhis face.

Binti walked to the boy』s side while helpless spectators screamed,certain the gorilla would harm the child. Another larger femalegorilla approached, and Binti growled.Binti picked up the child,cradling him with her right arm as she did her own infant, gave hima few pats on the back, and carried him 18 meters (59 ft) to anaccess entrance, so that zoo personnel could retrieve him. Her17-month-old baby, Koola, clutched her back throughout theincident. 

The boy spent four days in the hospital and recoveredfully."




*****欢迎光临感谢欣赏,小丝祝您欣赏愉快,天天愉快 ******


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