
Lack of Motivation at Work

 Hyksos 2016-01-03

Lack of motivation at work equals lack of output, which eventually may result in the lack of a job. You don't want that, do you? Here's why you may be feeling demotivated and what you can do to help yourself.

Lack of motivation at work
"Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time."
--Thomas A. Edison

Is it boredom, lack of sleep, poor health, monotony, or just the inherent desire to not do anything at all that's causing your lack of motivation at work? Maybe there are more reasons, and understanding that you are demotivated is the first step toward doing something about it.

The simplest way to regain lost motivation is to focus on the good of your job and try to obliterate the not-so-good. It may take time and a little practice before you can reach such a stage, but if you've made it so far, you can definitely go that extra mile and get yourself out of the rut.

Here, we help you discover why you may be experiencing a lack of motivation at work, and how you can overcome it.

Have a look...

Motivational Quote - Zig Ziglar

The Problem

You're sick of the monotony.
The Solution

Take a break.

You need a break. Take it. Don't wonder about the "what if's" and the "hows". All you need to do is not go to work for a few days, and occupy yourself with something interesting or productive that will take your mind off it. If you can't take leave immediately, speak to your superiors and ask for more challenging work with greater responsibilities. But ensure that you live up to the expectations you've raised by asking for more work.

The Problem

Your work goes unnoticed.
The Solution

Tell them what you're made of.

You may be a strong believer of not tooting your own horn, but it's time you go and tell them what you're made of. Pointing out your achievements is not wrong, particularly when no one is noticing or appreciating it. If you are finding trouble being direct, ask for feedback on your work. Tell them that you don't know which way to go because there's no feedback, and you don't know where room for improvement lies. When you speak, speak about yourself, not about them. For example, you could say, "I feel like my work goes unnoticed here." Don't say "You don't notice my work." It sounds accusatory and may not do you any good.

The Problem

You are not paid enough.
The Solution

Ask for a raise.

You know you're worth more. Prove it, and then ask for a raise. Just like there's no harm telling your manager that you feel unappreciated, there is no harm telling him that you feel underpaid. Do not however, under any circumstance, threaten to leave. You are not irreplaceable, but you can prove that you are a valuable asset to the organization. Do so, and respectfully place your concerns before them. If nothing comes of it, you know it's time to move on.

The Problem

You keep comparing your job to other people's jobs.
The Solution

Think of why you took this job.

There was one reason that made you take up this job. Look for that one thing that you have in your job that your perceived "grass-is-greener" counterpart doesn't - the money, the challenge, the job satisfaction, the work timings, the work environment, or the management. Look for that one thing that doesn't make you want to give up on your current job, and always keep that in mind when you feel disinterested.

The Problem

You're losing sight of your goals.
The Solution

Keep in mind what you are working towards.

Here's what happens. We get so caught up in our work that we tend to lose sight of our goals. We forget why we're slogging, why we're taking flack, why we're giving up on other things. But there is a reason we are doing this. There is a greater goal. Money may be a short-term goal, but achievement, learning, and experience are bigger goals. So remind yourself of the goal you had set out to achieve when you started working. Remind yourself what made you take up the job you're doing. And write it down. And read it every single day before you head to work, before you get caught up in it. Make it like a daily mantra, and you'll have a clearer vision of where you are headed.

The Problem

You've had certain setbacks at work.
The Solution

Stop being harsh on yourself.

Failures are essential to success. They teach you what not to do so that you can focus on what you should be doing. Give yourself time to get over it. And if you feel cautious, break up your work into smaller tasks and take them up one at a time. Don't allow the enormousness of a task set you into panic mode. You are fully capable of doing it - that's why you were hired for the job, remember?

The Problem

Work is not challenging anymore.
The Solution

Ask for more responsibilities.

Challenge gives you a rush. You're the kind who needs to be on the edge to get some good, real work done. Ask for more challenging work then. It will not only do you good, it will even bode well with the management that you are willing to take up greater responsibility. You can also make work more challenging merely by approaching it in different, newer ways. That's what makes the whole process worthwhile, doesn't it? And if you find it difficult to get your challenge from work, go out there and do something that gives you your rush. Sometimes, it is something to look forward to at the end of the day that gets you through it.

The Problem

You don't identify with anyone at work.
The Solution

A little small talk never hurt anyone.

You don't HAVE to identify with people at work. You're there to work, not to make friends. If it bothers you, make an effort to interact with others and limit these relationships to your work environment. Interacting also helps you discover newer ways of doing your job, which may indirectly help you. So don't shut out people at work. Take it with a pinch of salt and give your work your everything.

The Problem

You're having personal problems.
The Solution

Focus on the positives at work.

There have been several instances where we've all been told not to mix personal and professional life, and with good reason. Ideally, you should be so focused on your work that you don't have time to think about your personal problems for those 8-10 hours. If you allow them to creep into your schedule, you'll effectively ruin your chances of growing professionally. Let's face it, you cannot allow more than one thing to go wrong in your life at one time. You won't be able to handle it, and you know that. It may be difficult to do and may require time, but learn to switch off the personal life when you're at work. You'll do much better.

The Problem

You're being picked on all the time.
The Solution

Focus on the work, not the workplace.

Sometimes employers like picking on certain people. They have set targets and no matter what you do, it doesn't seem good enough. But if you love your job, i.e., the work, then all these are minor things that you can overlook. Focus on your work, and slowly start ignoring external factors that are supposed to bother you. They'll give up eventually.

The Problem

You have lost interest in your work.
The Solution

It's time to move on.

If you've lost interest, not in the job but in the work you do, it's time to move and find something that will make you look forward to going to work everyday. A lack of interest in work will definitely lead to a downward spiral and there's no getting out of that. So before it affects your quality and output, find another job, even if it requires you to change your profession. It may be a little difficult, but it's better than moping at work.

So the bottom line is, the only person who can get you back on track, geared up to face work and make it worthwhile, is yourself. Lack of motivation is internal, and you may allow it to fester for a while, but eventually (and soon), you have to pull up your socks and do something about it.

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