
Increasing File Descriptors and Open Files Limit CentOS 7 | Naveen S Nayak's Blog

 老鹤闲聊 2016-01-12

Increasing File Descriptors and Open Files Limit CentOS 7

Some programs like Apache and MySQL require a higher number of file descriptors.
This is how you can increase that limit for all users in CentOS 7
Commands require root access

# Find the default limit – check the open files line – it will be 1024

sudo ulimit -a

To increase edit nano /etc/sysctl.conf add the below line, save and exit

fs.file-max = 100000

We also need to increase hard and soft limits
Edit /etc/security/limits.conf add the below lines before the #End, save and exit

* soft nproc 65535
 * hard nproc 65535
 * soft nofile 65535
 * hard nofile 65535

Next run the command

sudo sysctl -p

for MySQL, edit /usr/lib/systemd/system/mysqld.service  and add the below 2 lines at the end, save and exit


then increase the table_open_cache and open_files_limit in my.cnf

# reload systemctl
 sudo systemctl daemon-reload

# if you modified mysql config, restart mysql and check values for table_open_cache and open_files_limit

systemctl restart mysqld.service

run the below command to check the open files limit – change user based on requirement
output should say: open files (-n) 65535

# for mysql
 su - mysql -c 'ulimit -aHS' -s '/bin/bash'

# for apache
 su - apache -c 'ulimit -aHS' -s '/bin/bash'

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