

 苹果浪子 2016-01-14

今天继续上周三讨论工程计划,这次进入到了计划中的工程勘测部分,大家都知道工勘部分是项目初期最为重要的工作,这一部分直接影响后续工程进度和质量。Ms.Smith, 一个来自局方的项目经理,和Mr. Johnson, 一个工程经理正在商谈工勘关事宜。


J: OK, on the second page, we can see the site survey plan, which is quite important to our site deployment. It needs the cooperation from both parties. According to the site survey plan, all the site survey will be finished within 20 days. We have arranged nine teams for the survey, each route one team. Before we start the survey, we need you to confirm something.

S: What information do you need me to confirm?

J: The first one is the exact site locations, which decides how and when we can start the site deployment. Is that possible for you to arrange nine people or more to stay with our survey team to indicate the locations?

S: I am sorry that we don’t have so many people, and there are only 5 of them who are responsible for the site construction. Furthermore, they have to work in different area’s equipment rooms most of the time, maybe they could only spend one or two hours to stay with you.

J: I have considered it in our survey plan. You just gave me the contact number of those guys and explained what they need to do. We can effectively use one or two hours to finish essential work with their cooperation, after that, they can go back to equipment room.

S: OK, no problem. You can write down what you need them to do, and I will inform them.

J: It’s already done, and the details are elaborated on the following pages.

S: When can you submit the survey result and design?

J: The survey team will finish the OSP design within 14 days after they return from the site. And we will review the design within the next 4 days.

S: I have already learned your main schedule about the site survey, but I have no time to discuss the detailed standards and techniques. Mr. Alex will confirm those with you. He will work with you next week to finish this issue. I think it will be an intense mission for both of you.

J: This is what I need. Our network planning manager and OSP Engineering Manager will finish that as soon as possible after this meeting.

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