
the whole world is out there for you to explore and examine

 SolarAbraham 2016-01-16


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You’re not ever going to be happy when you believe that you have to control conditions and circumstances in order to be happy. You’re only ever going to be happy when the whole world is out there for you to explore and examine and you’re not afraid of any of it because you know that there’s no assertion, so nothing unwanted is going to assert itself in your experience. And if something does come into your experience, you know that you have called it, and you know what to do about that. And now there are so many others who you might even categorize as negative in nature who are full of delicious gifts for you. Some of your most negative friends are really funny. And some of them are full of sporadic insight. They don’t give it to you very often, but every now and again they lay something on you so profound that you bless the day you met them. 

And so it’s a big world out there full of all kinds of diversity. We want you to love your diversity because it is your power and your strength. And it is your future, because without it, there could be no new desire born within you. And the new desires that are continually being born within you, that’s life; that’s the promise of eternalness. 

~Abraham in Westchester on Oct. 11, 2015



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