

 THY7655 2016-01-22


仅用于学习交流,请勿滥用~ 万分感谢!

看到第一张图,同学们有木有被震撼到哇~ 哈哈~~ 而且还那么滴眼熟~~

对滴~ 你们木有看错~ 这就是之前转载的一篇《旧金山的创意肉植物圆艺屋》的主人!


这绝对是一位大师级别的多肉专家~ 他院子里的宝贝不知道让多少人口水飞溅

这种露养风格是我非常喜欢的~ 虽然环境气候不一样,不可能像他那样养肉




以后他就是我的山寨目标啦~ 吾哈哈~~ 大家一起努力吧!

这次是原版的COPY过来啦~ 今天看完后也突发奇想,立马去装饰材料逛了一圈


嘿嘿~ 突然间就想起了上次去物流站提货,旁边堆着的一大片木制托盘




哇塞~ 全都有了!还等啥!赶紧买货开干啦~ 哈哈!!


Can you believe that our latest DIY project was once just a couple of junky pallets and some scrappy table legs?Crazy…if I didn’t have photos, I wouldn’t believe it myself.Not too long ago, we whipped out a coffee table sized succulent table out of an old shipping crate.Now we scaled it up.


First bit of advice, deconstructing pallets are a big pain unless you have the right tools…and our hammer and wall scrapper wasn’t quite doing the trick.Boards were cracking and splitting left and right.Good news.We had three pallets to figure out how to do it, and by the second one…we were getting usable boards.


Love the scares of time left on these chunks of pallet wood.


After pulling apart two pallets, we used the 2 x 4 sized boards to make a rectangular frame to attached the appropriated table legs.Debate went back and forth whether or not to strip the paint off the legs…we’re not huge fans of washed out creamy yellow.We ended up just leaving them dinged up how we found them.In the end, it worked in our favor.


Like TV magic (and 2 days later), the table was more or less put together.We got so into the project that we forgot to take some pics during the building of the succulent hole, oops.Basically, the top is made up in three sections.Two flat boards make the right side, three boards make the left.The center three boards were built as a separate planting box…again all using parts of the pallet.We made it this way because we knew the succulent table was going to journey about 45 minutes south to Sunset Test Garden.The plan was to make the succulent section removable so that it could ride inside the car while the rest of the table may need to be strapped to the roof of the Subaru.


After a weekend of slivers and sweat, we finally got to plant this baby.Megan had the pleasure to do the ceremonial dividing up of the first bunch of semps.


3/8 inch holes where drilled in the bottom, and we decided to go with a fast draining cactus mix.The bulk of the plants are Sempervivum, Sedum, and a hint of Orostachys iwarenge.We plugged in some pea sized pebbles to stabilize and dress up the top.


Yeah, we didn’t hold back on jamming them.By all means, it would be fine to plant the strip thin and let it grow in.But when you need it to look full fast…you just hold, tuck and stick until it looks more or less done.


Here you can get a sense of how the center box is separate from the rest of the table…great for traveling.


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