

 松树松鼠松籽 2016-01-22

There should be no surprises regarding the top five ranked PV module manufacturers in 2015, as they form the backbone of the key six-member 'Silicon Module Super League' (SMSL), which PV Tech highlighted in late November 2015.


The Top 10 PV module manufacturers list for 2015 is based on actual module shipments through the first nine months of last year and guidance figures as well as detailed analysis of over 45 leading manufacturers' expected shipments for the full year.  


One of the challenges in assessing module shipments of the top 10 producers last year was the rapidly deteriorating business position of SMSL member, Yingli Green. 

评估去年十大生产商的组件出货量的挑战之一,是SMSL成员英利绿色能源(Yingli Green)迅速下滑的商业地位。

The company had initially started the year with shipment guidance of 3.6GW to 3.9GW, which would have placed it as the fourth largest PV manufacturer at year end.


However, pinning down shipments for Yingli Green in the second half of the year was as dangerous as trying to catch a falling knife. Despite giving lowered shipment guidance for two consecutive quarters, its nearest rival in the rankings, Shunfeng International Clean Energy (SFCE), was not going to close the gap sufficiently, despite strong shipment growth to surpass the falling Yingli Green. 


SFCE was ranked eight in 2015, a significant improvement from 10th position in 2014.


As can be seen below, Yingli Green fell several ranking positions from initial shipment guidance at the beginning of the year, but actually tumbled being ranked second in 2014 to seventh in 2015.


Separating the SMSL members from the top six ranking positions was CdTe thin-film leader, First Solar, which had built shipment momentum through the year and later revised shipment guidance upwards to 2.8GW to 2.9GW. First Solar therefore climbed two ranking positions from 2014 and stopped its slow rankings fall over the last few years. 

排名前六的位置中并非SMSL成员的是碲化镉薄膜领导者First Solar,其全年出货势头强劲,后来将出货量目标上调至2.8GW至2.9GW。因此First Solar从2014年的排名攀升两位,停止其过去几年缓慢的排名下滑趋势。

Another company with high shipment hopes at the beginning of 2015 was ReneSola, which despite having had no intentions of adding new capacity certainly could have shipped more in 2015 than the previous year, having nameplate capacity of around 500MW higher than its shipments in 2014. 


However, that didn’t happen and shipments were below the previous year, dropping ReneSola from being ranked sixth for two consecutive years to ninth in 2015. 


Despite capacity constraints for the last two years at SunPower, the limits to shipments have not really impacted its rankings position. The company sneaked back into the top 10 at the bottom of the table having hovered around the 11th position for several years. 


High utilisation rates, small incremental capacity increases and an initial nameplate capacity higher than lower ranked producers were behind its edging back into the top producer list for 2015.


The analysis of over 45 leading manufacturers also indicates that competition for ranking positions in the next 10 lower positions has intensified over the last 12 months with a growing cluster of manufacturers with shipments in the 1GW region.


Possible or already planned capacity expansions in this lower-league cluster would significantly reshuffle the pack in 2016. This is also expected to lead to increased competition at the bottom of the top 10 rankings over the next three years and could lead to several new entrants from Asia. 


The biggest loser in the 2015 rankings has been Sharp Corporation, dropping completely out of the Top 10, after being ranked third in 2013 and seventh in 2014.

2015排名中最大输家是夏普公司(Sharp Corporation),在2013年排名第三及2014年排名第七后,2015年完全跌出前十。


1.天合光能( Trina Solar)

2.阿特斯阳光电力(Canadian Solar)

3.晶科能源 (JinkoSolar)

4.晶澳太阳能(JA Solar)

5.韩华Q CELLS(Hanwha Q CELLS)

6.First Solar

7.英利绿色能源(Yingli Green)



10.SunPower Corp

作者:Mark Osborne(马克·奥斯本),Senior NewsEditor,PV-Tech.org

马克·奥斯本在半导体和光伏制造业拥有近二十年的从业经验。作为业内第一批专业网站的负责人之一,马克专注于相关领域的制造业。此外,自2005年以来,马克以半导体编辑的身份主持PV-Tech博客栏目。在其职业生涯中,马克曾多次主持和出席多个业内技术会议及产业相关活动。目前马克担任PV-Tech网站和Photovoltaics International技术刊物的高级新闻编辑一职,负责撰写全球光伏产业的主要发展动态,并继续以其独特的视角及分析力撰写PV-Tech博客栏目(编辑博客)。

翻译: 李欣


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