
Argumentative Topics List

 Hyksos 2016-01-30

Argumentative Topics List

Argumentative writing is a way to assume one's stand on a topic. The argumentative topics list given in this article, can open new doors for your imagination, by compelling you to think deeply about them.

Having debates and arguments is a part and parcel of the daily routine of all educational institutions. Whether it is primary school, middle school, high school, colleges, or even business organizations, a healthy debate on current events and relevant, pressing topics, is always encouraged. And like every other aspect, every topic has two sides. It has its pros and cons, and it has its believers and non-believers. This Buzzle article has a vast list of argumentative topics. These topics are all quite relevant to the current scenario of the world, and hence are apt for essays, speeches, and even research papers. In order to begin writing on one of these topics, you must undertake complete research. This includes gathering the appropriate, relevant, and accurate facts and figures, quotes and quotations, etc. about the particular topic.

Argumentative Persuasive Essay Topics

Essay writing is never an easy job. More so, when it comes to argumentative and persuasive writing. Here are some good argumentative topics that you can write on. Remember, argument essay writing is not as easy as it seems. It requires a great deal of sensitivity and accuracy.
  • Animal Testing
  • Is euthanasia justified?
  • Wildfires - can they be prevented?
  • Is the ozone layer really depleting?
  • Computer games, boon or bane
  • Why climate change is not being taken seriously
  • What are the organ donation - pros and cons?
  • Convince your older brother to stop smoking
  • Should dangerous extreme sports be banned?
  • Should rapists be punished with the death penalty?
  • Should children be allowed to carry cell phones to school?
  • Hidden cameras - invasion of privacy or necessary precaution?
  • Defend the argument for 'does television affect your intelligence'.
  • Greenhouse effect and global warming, are they really interconnected?
Argumentative Paper Topics

Picking good research paper topic ideas comes from a proper understanding of one's surroundings. Hence, many people often take up argumentative research paper topics. This serves a dual purpose. One: they have a topic that they are passionate about. Two: they get to put forth their position on the particular issue, by the medium of the topic that they choose. If you need some topics, for your research too, then you must look at the argumentative topics list given below.
  • Domestic Violence
  • How to regulate media ethics
  • Social Networking: boon or bane.
  • Artificial Intelligence: myth or fact?
  • How safe are internet chat rooms?
  • Effects of peer pressure, at any age
  • Stay at home dad v/s stay at home mom.
  • The influence of mass media on teenagers.
  • Are endangered species really endangered?
  • Should civilians be allowed to carry weapons?
  • How serious is the issue of illegal immigration?
  • Anorexia Nervosa and other eating disorders.
Argumentative Speech Topics

For all those who are on the lookout for some good speech topics for an upcoming debate, take a look at the list given below. Just remember to speak with passion, and not be afraid to answer any counter questions that may arise. For this, extensive research and quick thinking is essential. Good Argumentative Topics List Interesting Argumentative Topics List Miscellaneous Controversial Topics List That was a huge list, comprising argumentative essay, speech, and research paper topics. Hope they helped you decide what you're going to 'debate' about. Good luck!

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