
高考阅读理解必备 高考英语熟词生义500词例释及练习答案(5)

 悠燃熠新 2016-02-03
226. jam 熟义: 果酱
He jammed four apples in his pocket. vt. 塞进
The accident jammed the main road for 2 hours. vt. 堵塞
The are traffic jams every day on this road. n. 堵塞
227. jacket n.(动物的)毛皮;马铃薯皮,公文套(熟义:短上衣)
He doesn't like eating potatoes boiled in their jackets.他不喜欢吃连皮煮的马铃薯。
He jammed four apples in his pocket.他往衣袋里塞了四个苹果。
The accident jammed the main road for three hours.这次事故使交通堵塞达三小时之久。 There are many traffic jams in Chongqing.重庆经常塞车。
228. jar vt./vi.发出刺耳声,剧烈震动,刺激(熟义:n.罐子)
Their loud voices jar on my nerves.他们高声尖叫,刺激了我的神经(使我听了很不舒服)。 I fell from the tree and jarred my back.我从树上摔了下来,震疼了我的背。
229. job n.费力的事情vt.做零工,做股票经纪;假公济私;承包(熟义:工作)
Waxing the car was quite a job.给小汽车打蜡真费事。
He jobbed his son into the position.他利用职权把儿子安排到那职位上去了。 Removing the table is quite a job. n. 费力的事
He jobbed his son into the position. vt. 做零工;假公济私
230. jump n.&vi.(大幅度)上涨(熟义:跳)
Last week the price of goods jumped.上周物价急剧上涨。
231. just 熟义:adv. 正好;恰好
You are a just person. adj. 公正的
232. keep vt.(熟义:保持,保留)
Her grandfather kept a hair dresser's shop.vt. 经营,管理
She kept her sister's children.vt. 照顾
He needs more money to keep his wife and children.vt. 养活
—Do you sell school things?有文具卖吗?
—Sorry, but we don’t keep them. vt. 售卖
Everyone must keep the law.vt. 遵守
We keep the Spring Festival at home. vt. 庆祝 (译:我们在家过春节) Your coffee shop seems to be well kept. vt. 经营;开设
233. key n.&adj.关键(的),关键性的人物(熟义:钥匙,答案)
The key factor in their success is hard work.他们成功的关键因素是努力工作。 234. kick n.劲头,味道,乐趣(熟义:踢)
The swimmer has a strong kick.游泳运动员兴致勃勃。
She gets a kick out of driving a car at high speed.驾驶汽车飞奔,她感到很刺激。235. kid 熟义: v. 小孩
Take it easy. I’m just kidding. v. 开玩笑;欺骗
236.kill vt.删掉,除掉,关掉,使笑/痛得要死,使难受之极;消磨(熟义:杀) It kills him to admit he is wrong.他承认他错了时,难受得很。
His joke killed the audience.他的笑话使听众笑得死去活来。
The guy fools around all day long, killing time. v. 消磨(时间)
237. knock vt.批评,说??不好(熟义:敲,打)
The critics knocked his latest play.评论家抨击了他最近的戏剧。
238. know vt.辨认,经历(熟义:知道,认识)
I don’t know Miss Green from Miss Smith.我区分不出格林小姐和史密斯小姐。 Those who have not known hunger can never imagine how it feels.
He is always quick to know his friends and enemies. vt. 辨别,认出
239. labour vi.费力地行走,干苦活(熟义:劳动)
They laboured through the thick forest and up the steep hill.
240. land 熟义:vi. 登陆,降落
He landed a contract for building a factory. vt. 获得
241. at large逍遥自在地,逍遥法外;详尽地;普遍地;随便地(勿望文生义) The suspect is still at large. 嫌疑犯仍逍遥法外。
Boys at large like games.一般说来,男孩喜欢运动。
242. last adj.最不可能的v.延续,够用(多久)(熟义:最后的)
He is the last person to tell a lie.他极不可能说谎。
Her holidays were to last six weeks.她的假有六周。
The food will last(us)(for)three weeks.这些粮食可够(我们)吃三周。
He is the last man I want to see. adj. 最后的(最不想见的)
243. late adj.已故的,前任的,最新的(熟义:迟到的,晚的)
She was an admirer of the late president.她崇拜前总统。
She missed her late husband very much. adj. 已故的
244. lay vt.向??提出;制定;生(蛋)(熟义:放,摆设)
The prisoner laid an escape plan.那囚犯制定了一个越狱计划。
It’s laid down in the Act that women and men have the equal rights. 法案规定男女享受平等的权利。 The foundations of the house are being laid today. v. 铺,铺设
245. learn v.听到,获悉(熟义:学习)
I learned of that yesterday. 我昨天才得知此事。
246. lecture n.&v.训斥,教训(批评) (熟义:演讲)
My father gave me a lecture for smoking.因为吸烟我爸爸训斥了我一通。
Do stop lecturing me. v. 训斥,教训
247. lead vt.致使n.铅(熟义:领导,引导,通向)
What led you to think so?是什么使你这样想呢?
248. lesson n.教训(不悦的经历)(熟义:课)
Pear Harbor was a painful lesson for the US.珍珠港事件对美国来说是一次痛苦的教训。 249. level 熟义: n. 水平,水平线,强度
Not all the parts of our life long journey are level. adj. 水平的,平坦的,同一水准的
250. let 熟义:v. 让
The couple decided to let off the smaller flat at a lower price. v. 出租
251. let down辜负,使失望(熟义:放下来)
He said he would be here by 12o'clock, but he let us down.
252. let out泄露(机密);发出(声);出租(熟义:让出去)
I’ll never tell you another secret if you let this one out.如果你把这个秘密说出去了,
253. liberal adj.慷慨的,丰盛的(熟义:开明的,自由的)
He is liberal with his money.他用钱大方。
My father gave a liberal amount of money each week.我老爸每周都要给我一大笔钱
254. library 熟义: n. 图书馆
Pro. Lin has a large library of books. n. 收藏,收藏量
255. life n.活力,劲头(熟义:生活)
The children are full of life.这些孩子们充满了活力。
256. not on your life无论如何也不(勿望文生义)
“Do you appreciate it?” “Not on your life.” 你喜欢它吗?一点也不喜欢。
257. can’t for the life of me即使要我的命也不能(勿望文生义)
I can’t for the life of me see why you are so annoyed. 我无论如何也不明白你为什么这么生气。
258. lift n.(熟义:电梯)
Can you give me a lift to the station? n.搭便车
His report gave us a great lift.n. 鼓舞
259. lift v.消散(熟义:举起)
Jan’s depression seemed to be lifting at last.吉安总算没有失望的情绪了。
260. light 熟义: n. 光亮
It’s beginning to get light. adj. 有光亮的,明亮的,充满自然光的
261. lively 熟义:adj. 生动活泼的
The room is lively with children singing and dancing. adj. 生气勃勃的
262. lose 熟义: v. 失去,丢失
Please hurry! My watch loses 10 minutes. vi. 钟表慢(与gain 快)相对
263. lot 熟义: 量,批
It is difficult for us to find a parking lot outside some shopping centres. n. 作某种用途的场地 264. in a?light以??目光,对??有??看法(勿望文生义)
There was Brian,pushing the pram,and I suddenly saw him in a new light.
265. see the light一下子明白,开窍;问世(勿望文生义)
He explained his reason and then I saw the light.他解释原因后,我一下子就明白了。
266. light adj.轻浮的,灵巧的v.开朗起来(熟义:adj.亮的,浅色的,轻的;v.燃)
A smile lit up her face.她脸上露出了喜悦的笑容。
267. list v. 入 (熟义:n.清单
Mother listed the items she wanted to buy. 妈妈开出了购物清单。
268. live through 经历 (而活下来) (勿望文生义)
He lived through the 1961 famine.他经历了1961年的饥荒。
269. live up to 使行为和? 相符 (勿望文生义)
The WTO can not live up to its name if it does not include a country that is home to one fifth of mankind.
如果WTO不包括一个占世界人口五分之一的国家, 那就名不副实。
270. live with 接受(某局面,事实等 (勿望文生义)
You must live with the fact that you are no longer as active as you were.
271. lock 挽在一起, 互相揪/扭在一起 (熟义:锁)
They were locked in each other’s arms. 他们抱成一团。
272. in the long run 长远来说, 最后(勿望文生义
It is difficult to save money now, but it is worth it in the long run.
273. as/so long as 只要( 熟义:与??一样长)
You can go out to play as long as you stay in the back yard.只要是呆在后院,你就可以出去玩。 274. long v. 渴望 (熟义:长,久 )
He longd to read the novel by Qiong Yao.他极想读琼瑶的小说。
275. look up 看望, 拜访;好转,改善 (熟义:向上看,查阅)
Look me up next time you are in Beiing.下次到北京时,来看我。
276. look up to 尊敬 (勿望文生义)
School boys usually look up to football players.学生通常都很崇拜足球运动员。
277. look n. 表情,外貌, 美貌(熟义:看)
She kept her looks even in her old age.即使上了年纪,她仍然风韵犹存。
278. be lost 不知如何是好(熟义:被丢失)
He is lost without his wife.没有妻子在,他就茫然不知所措。
279. be lost in =lose oneself in 聚精会神于,迷上,陷入 (熟义:消失在??中)
He is lost in thought / the book. 他陷入 沉思/他聚精会神地啃那本书。Exercises.Translate the underlined parts in the following sentences.

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