

 暖暖暖彭 2016-02-19


 Designer: anonymo-us 佚名设
Location&Year: Leeuwarden, NL, 2015 (荷兰莱瓦顿,2015)
Program: Urban renewal strategy of historical city center.  (老城更新策略研究)
Status: Shortlisted award for EUROPAN 13th international competition (EUROPAN 13th 国际竞赛提名奖)
Credits: Ting Wen, Sai Shu, Xiaozhou Zhu,  Dariusz Vu Hong, Brygida Zawadzka(项目组:文汀,舒赛,朱晓舟,Dariusz Vu Hong, Brygida Zawadzka) 
Publish: http://www./







“老城更新”必然会经历一个产业转型与文化变迁的复合进程。在莱瓦顿,一个荷兰的历史古城,当地政府在城市更新上承担了很多责任与压力,集中资源在数个重点项目上,用以刺激城市发展。我们认为,城市更新不应完全依靠政府单向的推动,而应有一种机制,来提高城市自主更新的能力。这种机制需要让信息和资源透明化,建立一个互惠的自下而上的共享网络系统,邀请群众参与到项目决策和规划中来,集思广益, 从而降低资源被浪费的风险,让城市更新可以“以点及面”。
A historical city is experiencing its transformation phase, both functionally and socially. In Leeuwarden, currently local government takes the main responsibilities of developing the city and revitalizing the city, including investing resources to stimulate urban growth, and taking the risks of big intervention. In order to build and increase the capacity for adaptation, it needs participation in planning, and sharing the knowledge, by creating a network and process to face the unexpectations together. 








“Open-Up your city” is an alternative urban planning approach focusing on historical city renewal, which allows the city to grow naturally without subvert the existing urban structure. It introduces new possibilities of building public-private partnership which all the participants can share the responsibilities and benefits of revitalizing city. The idea is about empowering every individual people. It encourages them to revitalize their neighbourhood by sharing partly their private land to open-up communal space according to their needs, and under consultation of government. Meanwhile communal space spontaneously increases the accessibilities of each block, invites diverse activities, and adjust people’s daily lifestyle. All the open-up communal space can stimulate their immediate context, share knowledge, and create adaptable network to revitalize the whole city. “Open-Up your city” strategy is a generic framework to renew historical city, but allows to have contextualized design of spatial interventions.









A group of specialist get authorized and supported by government to facilitate the “Open-Up your city” project. Specialists build up the initial design database as catalogue of spatial interventions together with key stakeholders and further maintenance of the process; also they are responsible for kicking off the project by conducting marketing campaign. Active single plot owner initiates the project and creates community trust with his neighbours, then select ideal spatial interventions from catalogue to satisfy their needs. They can contextualize the design of intervention by consulting relevant stakeholders and specialists. City inhabitants can contribute to the project by funding or facilitating the project implementation. After project realised, collective review shall be conducted to evaluate it and contribute to catalogue of spatial design database  if it is a new idea of spatial intervention. All the contributors can collect their benefits proportionally from the community trust. It is a timely, inclusive and evolutionary process, city will end in an both well organized and partly improvised appearance with active content to fulfil timely various needs.










文章来源:佚名设 anonymo-us 




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