

 spythe22 2016-03-04

高盛是华尔街上 TOP1 级别的公司,而在Twitter上有一个叫 @GS Elevator Gossip(高盛电梯闲扯)的账户,曝光的都是所谓高盛公司电梯里听到的闲谈。



  • Trader : What do you mean the market is showing this number? Bullshit… Because I am the market.

    交易员:你说市场给出这些数据意味着什么?少废话 …… 因为老子就是市场!

  • Those who can do, do. Those who can ’ t, work at Morgan Stanley.


  • Abortions are just expensive condoms.


  • The lottery is just a way of taxing poor people who don ’ t know math.


  • If life ’ s a game, money is how you keep score.


  • My 3 favorite lies are ‘ I ’ m sorry, ’ ‘ Just kidding, ’ and, ’ We should get together some time. ’

    我最爱的三句谎言:1. ‘对不起’;2. ‘开玩笑的啦’;3. ‘我们应该抽空出来聚聚’。

  • Some chick asked me what I would do with 10 million bucks. I told her I ’ d wonder where the rest of my money went.


  • Coupon… Food stamps for the middle class.

    打折券 …… 是中产阶级的饭票。

  • Asian girlfriends are just whores who get paid in Louis Vuitton.

    亚裔女友们不过是你用 LV 包包付款的娼妓罢了。

  • Linsanity is destroying my basketball league. Every Asian kid thinks they ’ re 6 inches taller all of a sudden.

    林书豪毁了我们的篮球队。每个亚裔小朋友都以为他们突然长高了 6 寸似的。

  • Living my life is like playing Call of Duty on Easy. I just go around and fuck shit up.我的生活就像玩低难度的《使命召唤》。也就是随便到处走走,开枪灭人 ……

  • A: I tell every new hire the same thing. Spend that cash. No one needs a $100 million funeral.

    B:Or a $50 million ex-wife.


    乙:或者一个 5000 万的前妻 ……

  • 13.If you can only be good at one thing, be good at lying… Because if you ’ re good at lying, you ’ re good at everything.

    如果你只能精通一样东西,那就精通撒谎 …… 如果你精通撒谎,那你就精通一切了。

  • In the words of Benjamin Franklin, ‘ if we say that money doesn ’ t buy happiness, it might stop poor people from robbing us. ’

    本杰明富兰克林说过,' 如果金钱买不来幸福,起码可以阻止穷鬼来抢劫我们呀。'

  • A:The PWM chicks know how to dress.

    B ( nods ) :Pretty good wife material. Hot but not slutty-looking. Smart but not too smart.



  • The only color I judge people by is the color of their teeth.


  • if you have a job where you have to wear a nametag, nobody gives a shit what your name is.


  • ED ( to 1st year analysts ) : If I ever hear about something I say mentioned on Twitter, I ’ ll fucking kill you.


  • Whenever I see a black guy with my last name, I can ’ t help but wonder if my family used to own his.


  • A:Fact. Nearly 50% of all American workers have less than $10k saved for retirement.

    B:Fuck. That wouldn ’ t cover a ski weekend.

    甲:事实上,差不多 50% 的美国工薪阶层银行里面存来退休的钱不到一万。


  • If riding the bus doesn ’ t incentivize you to improve your station in life, nothing will.如果连挤公交车都没法刺激你去改善自己人生的话,没别的东西可以了。

  • I love watching Asian guys smell and swirl their wine obnoxiously. And then their faces get all blotchy. Pussies.


  • Sending flowers to her office is like a big neon sign to her coworkers saying, 'The asshole screwed up again.'

    送花去她办公室就是明摆着告诉她的同事,' 那个白痴又搞砸了。'

  • If you want a friend, get a dog. If you want a friend with benefits, find some chick who ’ s in PR.


  • A:Swinging by Tiffany ’ s to buy a gift.

    B: ( looks cynically ) : Why don ’ t you get her something nice?

    甲:准备晃过 Tiffany ’ s 的时候买点礼物。


  • Getting rich isn ’ t that hard. Any hot girl with questionable morals can do it.


  • A:Miami this weekend. B:Where you staying? A:Haven ’ t booked yet. Planning ’ s for the poor.


  • A:You ’ re going to Hell in just about any religion. B:First class, baby…


  • A protester sees my Benz, and wants to rip me out of it. A real man sees my car, and wants to work hard so he can buy it one day.


  • Black Friday is the Special Olympics of capitalism.


  • A:Congress is allowed to trade on insider information. B:And only half of them are millionaires. A: Losers.


  • I ’ ve never said I ‘ hate ’ anyone because that would imply I had any emotion for them whatsoever.

    我从来不会说我 ' 恨 ' 任何人,那会显得我好像真的对他们动过感情似的。

  • A:The only reason I have a home phone is so I can find my cell phone. B:Our maid does that.


  • A: My Mom always said I was ‘ one-in-a-million. ’

    B:So, that means there are 7,000 people just like you.

    甲:我妈总是说我是百万中挑一的。乙:所以世上还有 7000 个跟你一样的人。

  • .I always tell my Chinese clients, ‘ Being morally bankrupt won ’ t affect your credit rating. ’


  • .A:Bill Gates has a 15-year old daughter. B:Shit. I can wait 3 years. A:Less than that if she does semester abroad somewhere cool.

    甲:比尔盖茨有个 15 岁的女儿哦。乙:靠,我可以等 3 年到她 18 岁。甲:不用那么久,要是她到国外做交换生的话。

  • .Hong Kong sales can expense ‘ karaoke ’ bars where girls go home with you, and I get shit about a $1k dinner. Fuck that.

    香港的业务员可以报销那些有女陪你回家的 K 歌房,我却因为一顿一千的晚饭被搞,特么的。

  • A:I always stand further back from the urinal so people think my dick ’ s bigger. B:What happens if they look over. A:They never look.


  • Suit A:'Was that really an earthquake?' Suit B:'No, I just dropped my wallet.'


  • MD: ( on cell phone getting into elevator ) 'Fuck you.' Hangs up. 'Good Morning.'

    常务董事:(边打电话边进电梯)' 草泥马。' 挂电话,' 嘿,大家早。'

  • Why would I marry? It ’ s betting some chick half my net worth that I will love her forever.


  • Most people don ’ t understand that God cast them as extras in this movie.


  • Talent hits a target no one else can hit; genius hits a target no one else can see.


  • If there really was a glass ceiling, we ’ d let all the women work above us.

    如果真有玻璃天花板,我们会让所有女人都到上面干活去的(glass ceiling 指在公司企业或者机关团体中,限制某些人口群体如女性或少数族裔晋升到高级决策阶层的障碍。)

  • Teamwork is a group of people doing what I tell them to.


  • The vast majority of people are fucking stupid. So obviously, I have no interest in being popular.


  • Too many people are smart enough to be angry, but not smart enough to be successful.


  • Darwin had not considered a world where smart people have fewer babies,and dumb people have more.


  • I love how poloticians complain about loopholes as if they didn ’ t write the laws.


  • I don ’ t post on Facebook, It ’ s more important for me to have a great life than it is for people to think I have one, ’

    我从不在 Facebook 上面晒照片。有一个真正享受的生活,比人们以为我有一个这样的生活重要的多。

最后,这个账户的推主其实并不是高盛公司的人。他名叫约翰 · 勒费夫尔(John Lefevre),是花旗银行的前高管。他只是借着高盛员工八卦集的名义,公开地替华尔街街从业者吐出了许多没法公开宣传却又一针见血的大实话——至少是他们这群人的真实想法。

据说高盛集团当时甚至为了找出这个推特账号的幕后管理者还开展过内部调查。在 John Lefevre 的身份被曝光后,高盛十分接地气的发布了一条声明:' 我们非常高兴地宣布,即日起禁止在电梯里谈话这条禁令被正式取消。'




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