

 昵称22313943 2016-03-16

     业务申请;13683382450 DS表的填写方法

    1 Passport number护照号码

    2 Place of Issuance护照的签发地点,City城市,Country国家,State/Province省份 3 Issuring country护照签发国家

    4 Issuance Date (dd-month-yyyy)护照签发时间

    5 Expiration Date (dd-month-yyyy)护照过期时间

    6 Surnames (As in Passport)护照上的姓

    7 First and Middle Names (As in Passport)护照上的名

    8Other Surnames Used (Maiden, Religious, Professional, Aliases)其他姓 9Other First and Middle Names Used其他名

    10Date of Birth (dd-month-yyyy)出生日期

    11Place of Birth出生地点



    14National Identification Number身份证号码

    15Home Address (Include apartment number, street, city, state or province, postal

    zone and country)家庭地址


    17Marital Status婚姻状况(Married——已婚,Single (Never Married)——单身(从未结婚)Widowed——寡居,Divorced——离婚,Separated——分居)

    18Spouse's Full Name (Even if divorced or separated. Include maiden name.)配偶的全名

    19Spouse's DOB (dd-month-yyyy)配偶的出身日期(DOBDate of Birth的缩写) 20Name and Address of Present Employer or School当前学校或者雇主的名字和地址 21Present Occupation (If retired, write 'retired'. If student, write 'student'.)


    22When Do You Intend To Arrive In The US? (Provide specific date if known?打算什么时候到美国(

    23E-Mail Address电子邮件地址

    24At What Address Will You Be Staying in The U.S.?在美国的居住地点 25Name and Telephone Numbers of Person in U.S. Who You Will Be Staying With or Visiting

    for Tourism or Business邀请人的名字,你去拜访的人是谁

    26How Long Do You Intend To Stay in The U.S.?你打算在美国停留多久( 27What is The Purpose of Your Trip?此行的目的

    28Who Will Pay For Your Trip?谁付钱(

    29Have You Ever Been in The U.S.?曾经去过美国吗(

    30Have You Ever Been Issued a U.S. Visa?曾经获得过美国签证吗( 31Have You Ever Been Refused a U.S. Visa? 曾经被拒签过吗(

    32Do You Intend To Work in The U.S.?有没有在美国工作的意向(

    33Do You Intend To Study in The U.S.?有没有在美国学习的意向( 34Names and Relationships of Persons Traveling With You随行人员的名字,

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