

 郑公书馆298 2016-03-22

1.英语字谜题目:What do we get if we cross a woodpecker with a homing pigeon?把一只啄木鸟和一只识途的鸽子融合在一起,会得到什么?

2.英语字谜题目:Where does afternoon come before morning in the world?世界上哪个地方下午比早上先到?

3.英语字谜题目:What do you know about the kings of France? 你对法国君主有什么了解?

4.英语字谜题目:what tree is always very sad? 什么树总是很伤心?

5.英语字谜题目:what is full when it's used and empty when it's at rest? 什么东西在使用它的时候是满的,在它休息的时候是空的?

6.英语字谜题目:When can you get water with a net? 什么时候你可以用用网得到水呢?

7.英语字谜题目:Why are people tired on April Fool's Day? 为什么在四月一日愚人节人们都很累?

8.英语字谜题目:What's the poorest bank in the world? 世界上最贫穷的银行是什么?

9. 英语字谜题目:what is heavier in summer than in winter?


10.英语字谜题目: What can pierce one's ears without a hole? 什么东西能穿透一个人的耳朵而不留下一个洞?

11.英语字谜题目:What's too much for two and just right for one? 什么东西对两个人来说太多,一个人刚刚好?

12.英语字谜题目:What tree letters turn a girl into a woman? 哪三个字母把一个女孩变成了妇女?

13.英语字谜题目:What has two legs but cann't walk? 什么东西有两条腿却不能走路?

14.英语字谜题目:What is pronounced like one letter,written with three letters,and belongs to most of animals? 什么东西读起来像是一个字母,写起来是三个字母,并且所有动画都有它呢?

15.英语字谜题目: What bird lifts heavy things? 什么鸟可以举起来很重的东西?

16.英语字谜题目:What always goes up and never goes down? 什么东西永远只升不降?

【答案1】a bird that knocks on the door when delivering messages(将得到一只送信时会敲门的鸟)

【答案2】in the dictionary(在字典里)

【答案3】They are all dead. (他们都死了。)

【答案4】weeping willow(垂柳) 谜语解析:weeping willow的意思是垂柳,weeping是哭,willow是柳树。


【答案6】When water is turned into ice.(当水变成冰的时候。)

【答案7】Because they have just had a long March.因为他们刚度过了一个很长的三月(行军). 谜语解析:march除了三月以外还有行军的意思。


【答案9】traffic to the beach(去海滩的车流)谜语解析:heavy除了重的意思,还有交通量大的,繁忙的意思。







【答案16】 age(年龄)

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