

 garyhyz 2016-04-19



1有效阐明主题(effectively addresses the writing topic and task)


 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

   The rules that young people must follow and obey in today’s society are too strict.


观点:反对 disagree

分论点一:The young no longer can be confined by rules anymore for they have more opportunities to change a place to live or work.

分论点二:As society progress, people are more aware of the importance of education, thus they tend to be more insightful for the importance of freedom and democracy.



然而,这样的思路没有切题,在“歧途”上沉醉不知归路。由于题目中有个定语从句,有的考生就会含糊其辞地去理解题目。但事实上,这个题目不是讨论规则是否有用,不讨论如何影响年轻人,而是讨论电影是否值过于严格问题。所以紧抓焦点,随时关注自己要讨论的是什么。去掉定语从句,题目为“The rules are too strict.”这样来看,此题是事实类题目,论证是否规则太严格。当然,定语从句的内容也很重要,论证要联系“young people”。


观点:反对Not too strict but necessarily strict to the young

分论点一:Fierce and intense competition requires young people to strictly follow the social rules and improve themselves.

分论点二:The nature of young people is rash, inconsiderate, lack of self-discipline, need to restrict or confine them: driving license, drinking and smoking, taking drugs, surfing in the net café, gambling.



文章一定要结构清晰,不可东一榔头西一棒槌。独立写作既要有文章的 “整体脉络” ,每一段也要有清晰的脉络。就整体脉络来讲,一篇托福作文分为三个部分:开头(introduction);主体(body);结尾(conclusion)。开头要引入话题,阐明观点。主题要针对观点进行论证和支撑。结尾对主题观点和分论点进行呼应。就主体段来讲,每一个论点都要有一个论据;每一个论据都要有一个例子;每一个例子都要有一个细节。简言之,主体段要言之有理且言之有据。


External appearances always lead to mistakes about a person‘s true character or abilities. (part 1) A plain-looking person can make great achievements. (part 2) Take Napoleon Bonaparte, one of the greatest military leaders and statesmen in France, for example. (part 3) It is well known that Napoleon was very short. He was often laughed at by people around him for his small stature. However, after many years’ struggle, he finally became the Emperor of the French Empire and conquered larger parts of the Europe. (part 4)Napoleon is not a rare case. Actually innumerable famous historical figures were not good looking. Therefore we surely should not judge them by external appearance. (part 5)

Part 1是论点,part 2 是论据,part 3 是例子,part 4 是细节,part 5 是总结。因此,段落的结构也很清晰。恰如托福独立写作的要求:use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. 要求看似简单,实则指出来不可或缺的几部分:opinion, reasons, examples. 文章要有整体结构,段落也要有清晰的脉络。

3论点充分展开(well-developed, using clearly appropriate explanations, exemplifications and details)

主体段的展开有多种方法,如例证法、因果论证法,对比论证法。展开的模式为:提出分论点---阐释分论点----给出例子----分析例子----总结例子或者为:提出分论点---阐释分论点----说理分析(因果、对比) ----总结。


People sharing a similar or even same career could communicate with each other more easily, and thus they influence positively each others wider and deeper.(提出分论点) To illustrate, colleagues can cooperate more effectively if they can relate to each other very well. Students would feel happier if their friends understand them and communicate with them without any barrier. (阐释分论点) Watson and Crick, for instance, might illustrate this point clearly. (给出例子)Watson and Crick are both molecular biologists, and they are not only partners but also good friends. With their combination of imagination, intelligence, and hard-working, they eventually co-discovered the structure of the DNA molecule: the double helix. Then, of course, they got the Noble Prize for this significant contribution to the entire human race. But if they worked alone on this complicated and huge project, I believe, the prevailing gene engineering might be a no more than a daydream. (分析例子)In this sense, people make friends with similar career could work highly effectively. (总结例子)


4保持连贯性(coherence and unity)

要做到文章连贯,一方面是形式连贯,一方面是逻辑连贯。形式连贯是指句子与句子之间,段落与段落之间的逻辑关系要有具体的转承词体现,如表转折的However/Nonetheless/In contrast、表递进的in addition/what’s more/moreover/furthermore等。逻辑连贯是指内容上的相关和联系,万万不可论证与论点及观点不一致,造成“搬起石头砸自己的脚”。

5语言多样性 (syntactic variety)





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